Feminist development policy and gender equality in the BMZ's Africa strategy "Shaping the Future with Africa"
Discussion details
1. In a big contrast to all previous strategies and concepts of cooperation with Africa, it is for the first time any EU country, Germany in particular, has put such a explicit emphasis on a role of African women in the drive for Africa We Want.
2. It's all about walking the talk. Instead of populistic statements and pre-recorded videos of officials, the BMZ takes a concrete specific steps: thus setting up a new standard for all, including for the UN system organizations and their talk-shop-oriented, self-indulging projects and programmes.
3. The BMZ will in particular:
i. support gender equality through structural transformation,
ii. strengthen women’s rights,
iii. establish and develop alliances for gender equality,
iv. support women’s economic participation,
v. combat gender-based violence.
4. Improving employment opportunities for women and access to finance for women entrepreneurs in Africa is at the action's core.
5. More than words. All in one link about BMZ new attitude of cooperation with Africa, including the strategy document downloading ▶️https://lnkd.in/dQpTTdFn
4. Feminist development policy is the guiding principle for the entire spectrum of German development cooperation, including cooperation with Africa. ▶️https://lnkd.in/dT6CFqFR
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