Policies for human capital development: South Eastern Europe and Turkey – An ETF Torino Process Assessment
The regional report for South Eastern Europe and Turkey (SEET) is the result of the fifth round of the Torino Process (2018–2020). It is designed to support medium- to longer-term strategic thinking in VET, looks into the regional aspects of education outcomes, and discusses commonalities while respecting the differences between the countries of the region. Therefore, the purpose of the regional report is to inform the planning, implementation and monitoring of country policies and regional initiatives for human capital development with focus on education and training.
The Torino Process is based on country ownership and the broad and open participation of stakeholders from the public and private sectors. At the heart of the Torino Process lies the regular monitoring of emerging challenges concerning skills development and vocational education and training policy in a lifelong learning perspective, which enables partner countries to assess impact and progress.
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