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Whether you attended the 2010 EU Development Days or not, don't miss this new e-magazine which summarises the key moments of the two-day event, which took place on 6 and 7 December in Brussels, Belgium.

Through a series of shorts videos, this e-magazine wraps up the main points from a selection of discussion panels and conferences on:

 The 2010 European Development Days, organised by the European Commission with the Belgian Presidency of the European Union, brought together key development actors for two days of discussion and exchange on how to improve development cooperation and help the 1.4 billion people living in poverty. Attendees included development practitioners and policy makers as well as political leaders, parliamentarians, civil society representatives and business officials.

The upcoming 2012 European Development Days are scheduled to take place in Warsaw, Poland in mid-December.

For more information, pay a visit to the EU Development Days' website.