Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance
INTPA Academy
The European Commission’s free and public learning platform for development
Results and Indicators for Development
The guidance on thematic results and indicators covers DG INTPA strategies in various sectors, aiming to enhance the quality of our interventions – in terms of design, monitoring in the course of implementation. It also aims to promote the use of standardized information across European Union-funded interventions in partner countries. DG INTPA unit in charge of monitoring results (D.4) and thematic units developed the guidance.
INTPA Strategic Foresight
In line with the European Commission’s embedding of Strategic Foresight in better policymaking, DG International Partnerships uses Foresight to shift our mind-set from the here-and-now (reactive) to future-in-the-making (anticipatory). In a world facing global challenges such as climate change, digital and green transitions, health emergencies, inflation, wars, power shifts and geopolitical tensions strategic foresight helps organisations like ours to anticipate long-term change to make better decisions in the present day.
Intervention Cycle Methodology Guide
A compendium of all guidance Operational Managers must considered in designing and implementing interventions, complementing the INTPA Companion
Team Europe Initiatives and Joint Programming Tracker
Welcome to the tracker of Team Europe's joint activities across the world.
Capacity4dev Communication Products
Discover Capacity4dev's communication products, including the new Visual Guidelines which highlight the main elements behind the refreshed graphic identity of Capacity4dev.
SDG Mapper
A digital tool allowing operational managers, through automated text mining techniques, to map EU policies and documents in relations to SDGs and EU and INTPA political priorities