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Results & Indicators

Results and Indicators for Development

The guidance on thematic results and indicators covers DG INTPA strategies in various sectors, aiming to enhance the quality of our interventions – in terms of design, monitoring in the course of implementation. It also aims to promote the use of standardised information across European Union-funded interventions in partner countries. DG INTPA unit in charge of monitoring results (D.4) and thematic units developed the guidance.



The guidance on thematic results and indicators covers DG INTPA strategies in various sectors, aiming to enhance the quality of our interventions – in terms of design, monitoring in the course of implementation. It also aims to promote the use of standardized information across European Union-funded interventions in partner countries. DG INTPA unit in charge of monitoring results (D.4) and thematic units developed the guidance.

It is addressed to EC staff and external partners involved in the preparation of action documents and project documents, helping them to develop solid logical framework matrices. It identifies clear and measurable results statements in line with DG INTPA policy priorities, as well as with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)NDICI RegulationGender Action Plan (GAP III) and the Global Europe Results Framework, along with a range of good indicators to monitor progress.

DG INTPA’s results reporting and Action Document quality assurance processes identified the need for such guidance.

This guidance presents for each sector:

  1. EU policy priorities: a short narrative explaining EU policy priorities and commitments as articulated in key policy and strategic documents.
  2. Results chain: a diagram showing the main results (impact, outcomes, outputs) that EU development interventions are expected to achieve in the given thematic area, reflecting EU policy priorities and commitments.
  3. Thematic indicators: examples of measurable indicators associated to each result statement, that may be used in Logframe Matrices at project / programme level.

Check out our videos on how to use this Guidance on Results and indicators for Development (link is external) and Feedback from users


To know more the EU Results Framework (EURF) and the Global Europe Results Framework (GERF) please click here. The EURF and GERF are the corporate results framework used to collect and measure key results achieved by interventions funded by external assistance financing instruments of EU international cooperation.


Click here for more information about the predefined indicators available in OPSYS. Predefined indicators appear in OPSYS as suggested indicators when users are designing Logical Framework Matrix (logframes) for their interventions. Predefined indicators are aligned with DG INTPA, DG ENEST, DG MENA and FPI policy priorities. They consist of two types: 

  1. Corporate indicators as the EU Results Framework/Global Europe Results FrameworkGAP III
  2. Sector-specific indicators to increase the availability of common quality-assured indicators.

Methodological approach

The guidance on results and indicators offers support to build strong logical frameworks, identify SMART results and measurable indicators in with INTPA priorities. Access the methodological guidance. (PDF attached)

Predefined indicators for design and monitoring of EU-funded interventions

Predefined indicators appear in OPSYS as predefined indicators when users are designing Logical Framework Matrix. Check the latest list of predefined indicators in OPSYS here.

Results chain diagram

The results chain covers outputs, outcomes and impact. The diagram is an interactive tool making users to have a view on the logical links between outputs and outcomes, and how their achievement would lead to the desired impact.

Results frameworks

The EU Results Framework (EURF) and the Global Europe Results Framework (GERF) are the DG INTPA corporate results framework used to collect and measure key results achieved by interventions funded by external assistance financing instruments of EU international cooperation. For interventions funded by DG NEAR, the Results Framework used is the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III). Access the updated FPI Results Framework from February 2025. Check the latest methodological aspects and notes here.