FPI Results Framework
The FPI Results Framework (FPI RF) provides a comprehensive set of indicators to measure impacts, outcomes, and outputs across FPI's areas of work, including mandatory indicators for all interventions. The indicators are not instrument specific, they can be used in any intervention regardless of the funding source.
The Excel file includes two tabs to streamline the design of logframes (LFs) for FPI-managed interventions: one listing all indicators and another offering a tool to match outdated indicators with the new FPI RF indicators. At the top of the sheet, you will find clear instructions for searching and filtering.
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OPSYS ID | Indicators in FPI RF | Indicator Description | Indicator most likely level | Disaggregation criteria | Sectors |
65139 | % of women among mediators, negotiators and technical experts engaged in the intervention (Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness interventions under IcSP/NDICI) |
Process/Inputs | Gender Equality Conflict prevention Peacekeeping Security |
65138 | A gender analysis, highlighting the differences between and among women and men, girls and boys in terms of their relative distribution of resources, opportunities, constraints and power in a given context, was done (Y/N). The dimensions on age and diversity were included as well? (Y/N). Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Process/Activity | Gender Equality Horizontal |
65135 | A gender perspective was mainstreamed throughout the implementation of the intervention. Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions |
Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Process/Activity | Gender Equality Conflict prevention Peacekeeping Security |
65137 | A stakeholder analysis, highlighting the differences between and among different groups (identified by gender, age and diversity) was done (Y/N)? Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Process/Activity | Crisis response Conflict prevention |
65133 | Alignment of the intervention with the correct understanding of the conflict situation. Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Process/Activity | Crisis response Conflict prevention |
65124 | The intervention contributed to stabilising/not worsening the situation in the target area compared to the pre-implementation period. Obligatory for IcSP Article 3 and NDICI Crisis Response | Obligatory for IcSP Article 3 and NDICI Crisis Response. However, this indicator should not be used alone to measure the outcomes of the interventions and will require extensive explanation in the comments box of the current value in OPSYS. | Outcome | Crisis response Conflict prevention |
65132 | The intervention minimised negative risks and maximised positive outcomes on peace and security (Y/N). Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions. However, this indicator should not be used alone to measure the outcomes of the interventions and will require extensive explanation in the comments box of the current value in OPSYS. | Outcome | Crisis response Conflict prevention |
65123 | The intervention responded to a new/emerging crisis. Obligatory for IcSP Article 3 and NDICI Crisis Response |
Obligatory for IcSP Article 3 and NDICI Crisis Response | Process/Activity | Crisis response Conflict prevention |
65134 | The intervention was implemented using a conflict sensitive-do no harm approach. Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions | Process/Activity | Crisis response Conflict prevention |
65205 | Number of persons directly benefiting from the intervention (M/W/B/G) (obligatory for all crisis response and conflict prevention/peace-building/crisis-preparedness actions) | To avoid double counting, this indicator should not be used in conjunction with any other output indicator related to the aggregation of number of persons. As a rule, this indicator should be used when there is no other specific means to capture number of persons directly benefiting from the intervention. “Directly benefiting” means that an area of expenditure can be co-related to that individual person (M/W/B/G). | Outcome OR Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Crisis response Conflict prevention |
OPSYS ID | Indicators in FPI RF | Indicator Description | Indicator most likely level | Disaggregation criteria | Sectors |
152258 | GERF 1.20 World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Rule of Law Score [NDICI-Global Europe] |
The Rule of Law Score is one of the World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI). It captures perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence. | Impact | Reforms Conflict Prevention DDR Justice |
152265 | GERF 1.21 World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Voice and Accountability Score |
Voice and Accountability Score is one of the World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI). It captures perceptions of the extent to which a country's citizens are able to participate in selecting their government, as well as freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media. | Impact | Elections Participation |
67610 | GERF 1.29 SDG 5.5.1 Proportion of seats held by women in (a) national parliaments and (b) local governments |
SDG indicator 5.5.1 under (a) measures the proportion of seats held by women in (a) national parliaments, currently as at 1 January of reporting year, is currently measured as the number of seats held by women members in single or lower chambers of national parliaments, expressed as a percentage of all occupied seats. National parliaments can be bicameral or unicameral. This indicator covers the single chamber in unicameral parliaments and the lower chamber in bicameral parliaments. It does not cover the upper chamber of bicameral parliaments. Seats are usually won by members in general parliamentary elections. Seats may also be filled by nomination, appointment, indirect election, rotation of members and by-election. Seats refer to the number of parliamentary mandates, or the number of members of parliament. Data reported against SDG indicators can be retrieved from the official UN SDG Database and Statistics https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/unsdg. Users are not expected to encode values for these indicators. For more detailed information, see https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/ |
Impact | Elections Gender Equality |
67728 | GERF 2.17 Proportion of the population who are refugees, by country of origin | The indicator is defined as the total count of population who have been recognized as refugees as a proportion of the total population of their country of origin, expressed per 100,000 population. Refugees refers to persons recognized by the Government and/or UNHCR, or those in a refugee-like situation. Population refers to total resident population in a given country in a given year. Data reported against SDG indicators can be retrieved from the official UN SDG Database and Statistics https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/unsdg. Users are not expected to encode values for these indicators. For more information, check the SDG's metadata on https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-10-07-04.pdf |
Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Migration DDR Conflict prevention |
67636 | GERF 1.12 SDG 8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged 15- 24 years)not in education, employment or training | This indicator conveys the proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training (also known as "the youth NEET rate"). Data reported against SDG indicators can be retrieved from the official UN SDG Database and Statistics https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/unsdg. Users are not expected to encode values for these indicators. For more information, check the SDG's metadata on https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-08-06-01.pdf |
Impact | DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65556 | Global Peace Index - Number of armed services personnel per 100.000 people | This is one of the 23 "sub indicators" making up the GPI and should be tracked and reported on separately. | Impact | DDR Security Reforms Conflict prevention |
17079 | Global Peace Index - Number of deaths from internal organised conflict | This is one of the 23 “sub indicators” making up the GPI and should be tracked and reported on separately. | Impact | Security Reforms Migration DDR Conflict prevention Peacekeeping |
17235 | Global Peace Index - Number of refugees and displaced persons as % of total population | This is one of the 23 “sub indicators” making up the GPI and should be tracked and reported on separately. | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR Security Peacekeeping Conflict prevention Migration |
16977 | Global Terrorism Index - Number of fatalities caused by terrorism in a given year | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Conflict prevention |
16976 | Global Terrorism Index - Number of terrorism related incidents in a given year | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Conflict prevention |
16978 | Global Terrorism Index - Number of injuries caused by terrorism in a given year | Note that this is one of the 4 “sub-indicators” making up the Global Terrorism Index and should be tracked and reported on separately. | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Conflict prevention |
65499 | Number of new victims/incidents of mine/ERW explosions in target communities | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR Demining |
17040 | Number of police officers per capita | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Reforms Conflict prevention |
65741 | Incidence of waterborne diseases | Impact | DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
17162 | Worldwide Governance Index - Control of Corruption score | Measures perceptions of the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain, including both petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as "capture" of the state by elites and private interests. Please consult metadata and access indicator's data here: https://databank.worldbank.org/metadataglossary/worldwide-governance-in… | Impact | Accountability Transparency Horizontal |
17065 | Percentage (%) of the general population which perceives border security is appropriate | Impact | Security International Partnerships Reforms Migration |
17260 | Level of impact of disasters (natural or man-made) | This indicator needs to be measured only at national level. | Impact | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
65675 | Levels of enjoyment of civil liberties and political rights by population | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Human Rights Reforms Governance Conflict prevention Justice |
65795 | Organised Crime Index | The Organized Crime Index | ENACT (ocindex.net) https://dataunodc.un.org/ |
Impact | Security International Partnerships Reforms |
17024 | Global Peace Index - Level of violent crime | Scoring criteria of IEP: “Is violent crime likely to pose a significant problem for government and/or business over the next two years?” | Impact | Security Reforms Conflict prevention |
17074 | Public perception of the fairness of the peace process | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Reforms DDR Conflict prevention Peacekeeping |
17007 | Public perception of the security situation (CBSD) | Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Reforms DDR Conflict prevention Peacekeeping Migration |
65796 | Realisation of SDG 16.4 -elimination of all forms of organised crime | The Organized Crime Index | ENACT (ocindex.net) https://dataunodc.un.org/ |
Impact | Security International Partnerships Reforms |
65896 | Number of actions where lessons learnt from pilot projects are mainstreamed in project and programme design by implementing institutions. | The implementing institutions are not the implementing partners but more generically the target groups. | Outcomes | Horizontal | |
72952 | Percentage of actions (programmes/projects) complementary and consistent with measures adopted under Title V TEU (CSDP civilian Missions, non-proliferation and disarmament actions as well as assistance measures funded through the European Peace Facility). | Process/Activity | DDR Demining Peacekeeping |
10070335 | Number of Election Observation Mission observers and Core Team analysts deployed | Process/Inputs | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Elections | |
10068296 | Number of deployments / missions supported to gather data, verify information, or collect/document evidence | Process/Activity | FPI - Types of deployment missions (Kimberly Process; Electoral missions; Related to weapons of mass destruction; Related to conventional weapons; Related to transitional justice; Border management; Mediation; Support to refugees; Support to IDPs; Demining; Related to Human Rights violations; Export control for dual-use technologies; Others) | Horizontal | |
65226 | GERF 2.15 Number of processes related to partner country practices on trade, investment and business, or promoting the external dimension of EU internal policies or EU interest, which have been influenced [NDICI-Global Europe] |
SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Trade Public diplomacy Investments Business Reforms |
65197 | GERF 2.3a Number of people with access to electricity with EU support through: (a) new access |
SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say); Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65198 | GERF 2.3b Number of people with access to electricity with EU support through: (b) improved access |
SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say); Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65245 | GERF 2.29 Number of government policies developed or revised with civil society organisation participation through EU support [SP]† |
SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Reforms Policies Participation Horizontal |
65254 | GERF 2.36c Number of students enrolled in education with EU support: (c) tertiary education | SDG 4 – Quality Education For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
277775 | GERF 2.5a(1). Number of countries with climate change strategies: (a) developed with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
277771 | GERF 2.5a(2) Number of countries with disaster risk reduction strategies: (a) developed with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
277774 | GERF 2.5a(3) Number of cities with climate change strategies: (a) developed with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
277772 | GERF 2.5a(4) Number of cities with disaster risk reduction strategies: (a) developed with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
277725 | GERF 2.5b(1) Number of countries with climate change strategies: (b) under implementation with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
277770 | GERF 2.5b(2) Number of countries with disaster risk reduction strategies: (b) under implementation with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
277768 | GERF 2.5b(3) Number of cities with climate change strategies: (b) under implementation with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
277769 | GERF 2.5b(4) Number of cities with disaster risk reduction strategies: (b) under implementation with EU support | SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 – Climate action For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
10064956 | Number of countries that submit national reports to the oversight body of an international treaty |
Outcome | FPI - International Treaties, Regulations and Mechanisms (Weapons of Mass Destruction; Ottawa Convention Anti-Personnel Landmines; Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Chemical Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; Budapest Convention; Anti Torture Regulation; Kimberly process; Other Treaties; Other Regulations; Other mechanisms) | Horizontal | |
10053740 | Number of processes, practices and policies of relevance for the EU that have been a) influenced | Excepting those already counted for by: GERF 2.15: in the case of Trade, Investment and Business related processes or practices please use GERF 2.15. GERF 2.29: in the case of policies developped with the participation of CSOs (should meet the criteria set in the corresponding methodology note of the GERF), please use GERF 2.29 instead. GERF 2.5: in the case of climate change or disaster risk reductions (should meet the criteria set in the corresponding methodology note of the GERF), please use GERF 2.05 instead. For all remaining processes, practices and policies of relevance for the EU please use this indicator. |
Outcome | FPI - Reform-sensitiveness (Linked to reform processes in the partner countries; Not linked to reform processes in the partner countries); FPI - Civil Society sensitiveness (That includes Civil Society concerns or recommendations; That don't include Civil Society concerns or recommendations); FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives) |
Policies Standards National mechanism Reforms Horizontal |
10053745 | Number of processes, practices and policies of relevance for the EU that have been b) implemented" | Excepting those already counted for by: GERF 2.15: in the case of Trade, Investment and Business related processes or practices please use GERF 2.15. GERF 2.29: in the case of policies developped with the participation of CSOs (should meet the criteria set in the corresponding methodology note of the GERF), please use GERF 2.29 instead. GERF 2.5: in the case of climate change or disaster risk reductions (should meet the criteria set in the corresponding methodology note of the GERF), please use GERF 2.05 instead. For all remaining processes, practices and policies of relevance for the EU please use this indicator. |
Outcome | FPI - Reform-sensitiveness (Linked to reform processes in the partner countries; Not linked to reform processes in the partner countries); FPI - Civil Society sensitiveness (That includes Civil Society concerns or recommendations; That don't include Civil Society concerns or recommendations); FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives) |
Policies Standards National mechanism Reforms Horizontal |
10062367 | Number of hectares of previously mined areas in productive or social use | Outcome | DDR Demining |
10064949 | Number of state parties to an international treaty with improved internal systems or procedures to implement the treaty and its mechanisms with EU support. |
Outcome | FPI - International Treaties, Regulations and Mechanisms (Weapons of Mass Destruction; Ottawa Convention Anti-Personnel Landmines; Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Chemical Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; Budapest Convention; Anti Torture Regulation; Kimberly process; Other Treaties; Other Regulations; Other mechanisms) | Public Diplomacy Human Rights International Partnerships Standards Horizontal |
10064954 | Number of countries not yet party to an international treaty that made progress in their ratification of/accession to international treaties, mechanisms and arrangements with EU support |
Outcome | FPI - International Treaties, Regulations and Mechanisms (Weapons of Mass Destruction; Ottawa Convention Anti-Personnel Landmines; Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Chemical Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; Budapest Convention; Anti Torture Regulation; Kimberly process; Other Treaties; Other Regulations; Other mechanisms) | Public Diplomacy Human Rights International Partnerships Standards Horizontal |
10068899 | Number of acts, declarations, public opinions including articles, and decisions promoted by stakeholders in favour of a sensitive/relevant matter | Outcome | Horizontal | ||
10068915 | Number of cases reported | A case reported to the relevant organizations or bodies with the ability to investigate it, or to refer it to another instance that can gather additional information or take necessary actions to prepare the case for further evaluation, judgment, or resolution. | Outcome | FPI - Gender-based approach (Addresses gender-equality objectives and adopts gender-responsive methods; Assumes that men and women have the same needs and interests or don't know about the gender approach); FPI - Case jurisdictions (National jurisdiction; International jurisdiction; Outside judicial system; Others); FPI - Type of cases (Human Rights violations; Gender-based violence; Ethnic discrimination ; Organised Crime; Terrorism; Cybercrime; Electoral fraud; Torture; Crimes against Humanity / War crimes; Others; Fraud) |
Justice Human Rights Reforms |
10068916 | Number of cases admitted |
A case admitted for trial, mediation or resolution by the relevant organizations or bodies with the ability to judge or issue a resolution or a settlement agreement. | Outcome | FPI - Gender-based approach (Addresses gender-equality objectives and adopts gender-responsive methods; Assumes that men and women have the same needs and interests or don't know about the gender approach); FPI - Case jurisdictions (National jurisdiction; International jurisdiction; Outside judicial system; Others); FPI - Type of cases (Human Rights violations; Gender-based violence; Ethnic discrimination ; Organised Crime; Terrorism; Cybercrime; Electoral fraud; Torture; Crimes against Humanity / War crimes; Others; Fraud) |
Justice Human Rights Reforms |
10068917 | Number of cases sentenced, | Outcome | FPI - Gender-based approach (Addresses gender-equality objectives and adopts gender-responsive methods; Assumes that men and women have the same needs and interests or don't know about the gender approach); FPI - Case jurisdictions (National jurisdiction; International jurisdiction; Outside judicial system; Others); FPI - Type of cases (Human Rights violations; Gender-based violence; Ethnic discrimination ; Organised Crime; Terrorism; Cybercrime; Electoral fraud; Torture; Crimes against Humanity / War crimes; Others; Fraud) |
Justice Human Rights Reforms |
10070336 | Percentage of female police officers in service | Outcome | Gender Equality Security Reforms |
10068297 | Number of supported individuals who feel they have successfully integrated into community life |
Outcome | FPI - DDR groups (Ex-combatants and family members; Ex-radicalised individuals; Refugees; IDPs; From ethnic groups ; From host communities; Migrants; Asylum seekers; From communities hit or affected by disasters or conflicts; General population; Others); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Age group – GAP III (0-15; 16-24; 25-54; 55+) |
Horizontal | |
10068787 | Number of b) stakeholders engaging, cooperating or collaborating with others for the promotion or implementation of actions that are strategic for the EU | Outcome | FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives) | Horizontal | |
10068786 | Number of a) individuals engaging, cooperating or collaborating with others for the promotion or implementation of actions that are strategic for the EU. | Outcome | FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) |
Horizontal | |
10068898 | Number of b) stakeholders who acknowledge a better perception, opinion or confidence relative to a matter of interest for the EU | Outcome | FPI - Type of calculation method (Estimation from sample; Direct observation; Others); FPI - Conflict resolution-sensitiveness (Closing positions between parties in conflict; Not moving positions or worsening positions between parties in conflict) |
Media Horizontal |
10068897 | Number of a) individuals who acknowledge a better perception, opinion or confidence relative to a matter of interest for the EU | Outcome | FPI - Type of calculation method (Estimation from sample; Direct observation; Others); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); FPI - Conflict resolution-sensitiveness (Closing positions between parties in conflict; Not moving positions or worsening positions between parties in conflict); Age group – GAP III (0-15; 16-24; 25-54; 55+) |
Media Horizontal |
18372 | Number of community members who feel that the ex-combatants and their families are “very well” or “well” integrated and do not feel threatened by their presence | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR | |
17093 | Number of countries for which accurate and updated early warning information is available | Outcome | Horizontal | ||
17172 | Number of detainees who have been held in detention for more than 12 months while awaiting sentencing or a final disposition of their case | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Justice Human Rights Reforms |
17092 | Number of emerging conflicts identified by early warning systems | Outcome | Conflict prevention DDR Peacekeeping Horizontal |
16957 | Number of ex-combatants disarmed in the area covered by the EU-funded intervention | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR | |
17014 | Number of investigations conducted by the Inspector General into military forces, per calendar year | Outcome | Conflict prevention DDR Peacekeeping Security Reforms |
17237 | Number of migrants claiming that they are treated by civil authorities impartially without discrimination | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Migration Conflict prevention |
65822 | Number of organised crime related investigations conducted as part of a coordinated trans-regional operation | Outcome | Security International Partnerships Reforms |
172922 | Number of practices aimed at removing barriers preventing women from market access, investment and business development | Outcome | Gender Equality Market Investments Reforms |
65754 | Number of refugees/IDPs intending to return to their community of origin | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Migration Conflict prevention |
172904 | Number of relevant actors (private sector companies, ministries, etc.) influenced to adopt processes to improve women’s economic empowerment/to remove barriers to market access for women in a given sector | Outcome | Gender Equality Market Investments Reforms |
17205 | Number of reports of alleged fraud/irregularities | Outcome | Accountability Transparency Horizontal |
65862 | Number of scientists (M/W) with sensitive or dual use knowledge participating in research and technology projects with peaceful application (responsible science) | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Responsible science Security Technology CBRN |
16900 | Number of stockpiled Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) / Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) | Outcome | DDR Demining Peacekeeping |
18377 | Number of targeted communities who feel that the EU funded Action has reduced the risk of radicalisation of members of their community | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Conflict prevention |
16987 | Number of targeted individuals who feel less marginalised | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Conflict prevention DDR Migration Reconstruction |
17089 | Number of women participating as delegates to formal peace negotiations or mediation processes | Outcome | Gender Equality Conflict prevention Peacekeeping Security |
17202 | Number of women standing for election | Outcome | Elections Gender equality |
65816 | Monetary value of illegally imported/exported goods seized/confiscated | Outcome | Security International Partnerships Reforms |
65751 | Unemployment rate of target group (M/W) | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Education level (Primary; Lower secondary ; Upper secondary (including TVET); Higher education (including TVET)); Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
17068 | Units of illegal goods seized at borders | Outcome | Security International Partnerships Reforms |
10070315 | Percentage of the targeted population with access to a basic service with EU support | Outcome | FPI - by ONE service (Education; Basic Health; TVET; Clean water; Sanitation; Electricity; Shelter; Psychosocial support; Referral; Civil documentation; Legal aid; Security-related; Communications (phone, internet); Early warning ; Media and information; Protection ; De-mining; Others); FPI - DDR groups (Ex-combatants and family members; Ex-radicalised individuals; Refugees; IDPs; From ethnic groups ; From host communities; Migrants; Asylum seekers; From communities hit or affected by disasters or conflicts; General population; Others); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Age group – GAP III (0-15; 16-24; 25-54; 55+); Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention Horizontal |
65537 | % of community and institutional actors targeted by the project who feel equipped to respond to the risks of violent extremism | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Media Information Conflict prevention Security |
16963 | % of ex-combatants who see a viable future for themselves in civilian life | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR | |
65753 | % of families with livelihood support who have materially improved living conditions | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention Migration Horizontal |
17261 | % of local or regional governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 | For this indicator to be meaningful, the total number of local (municipal) or regional governments in a given country or region needs to be known. | Outcome | Emergencies Preparedness Climate Change Prevention Response |
17232 | % of people trained by the Action who are engaged in a licit and viable economic activity | For this indicator to be meaningful, the total number of the targeted population group needs to be known. | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention Migration |
65745 | % of population reporting significant improvement to targeted service | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Horizontal | |
17231 | % of trainees who claim they are able to provide for themselves and for their families | For this indicator to be meaningful, the total number of the targeted population group needs to be known. | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Horizontal |
65576 | Proportion of people (Men / Women) declaring that they are willing to provide security services with sensitive security information | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Security Conflict prevention |
172943 | Proportion of women in high level negotiation and mediation fora (peace, trade, investment, post-conflict and distribution) | Outcome | Gender Equality Reforms Trade Conflict prevention |
10062149 | Percentage of anti-personnel landmines that have been destroyed | Outcome | DDR Demining |
10062338 | Percentage of ex-combatants (and families where relevant) issued with civic documents | Civic document refers to national ID number, birth certificate, passport etc. This indicator can be expressed as a number or as a percentage but not as both. In case of use of percentage, an estimated total number of the targeted population group needs to be known. |
Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR |
10062129 | Percentage of listeners / Internet users who believe that their concerns and needs are addressed by the produced programs | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Media Horizontal |
10062359 | Percentage of members (%) of target groups who consider that their concerns have been or are being addressed | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Horizontal | |
10062117 | Percentage of persons who trust published information | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Media Horizontal |
10062385 | Percentage of targeted individuals who report improved well-being (reduced level of distress) | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Age group – GAP III (0-15; 16-24; 25-54; 55+); Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) |
Horizontal | |
17241 | Percentage (%) of members of the targeted communities who report improved living and economic conditions as a result of the intervention | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Horizontal | |
18616 | SDG Indicator - % of referred cases of gender and sexually-based violence against women and children that are investigated and sentenced | SDG 5.39 and GAP II indicator 7.3 | Outcome | Justice Human Rights Reforms Gender equality Conflict prevention |
17204 | Degree to which media are perceived to be reporting on elections in a conflict- and gender-sensitive manner | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Elections Gender Equality |
10064941 | Number of countries that are party to international treaties or mechanisms relevant to the EU | Outcome | FPI - International Treaties, Regulations and Mechanisms (Weapons of Mass Destruction; Ottawa Convention Anti-Personnel Landmines; Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Chemical Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; Budapest Convention; Anti Torture Regulation; Kimberly process; Other Treaties; Other Regulations; Other mechanisms) | Public Diplomacy Human Rights International Partnerships Standards Horizontal |
17080 | Extent to which the legitimate interests of the opposing side are recognised | Categories of the Extent are: To no extent, To a limited extent, To a medium extent, To a significant extent, To a full extent | Outcome | Conflict prevention DDR Peacekeeping Security Media Horizontal |
17239 | Extent to which host community members feel that the refugees/Internally Displaced Persons and their families are “very well” or “well” integrated and do not feel threatened by their presence | Categories of the Extent are: To no extent, To a limited extent, To a medium extent, To a significant extent, To a full extent | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Migration Conflict prevention Reconstruction |
172880 | Extent to which women civil society organisations working on violence against women and girls have been engaged on policy development and/or implementation of the action |
Categories of the Extent are: To no extent, To a limited extent, To a medium extent, To a significant extent, To a full extent | Outcome | Gender Equality Policies Participation Horizontal |
149643 | Level of engagement online and on social media | Outcome | Type of engagement (Number of visitors and/or signed-up users on a project website/webpage; Number of followers on any social media account (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.); Number of likes/shares/re-tweets of content prepared by the project team and published on any social media account; Number of times a hashtag promoted by a project is used on social media; Other (specify)) | Media Horizontal |
10070387 | Extent to which national laws/rules of interest or qualified recommendations are applied in practice by the relevant stakeholders | Categories of the Extent are: To no extent, To a limited extent, To a medium extent, To a significant extent, To a full extent | Outcome | FPI - by ONE international framework/standard/good practice (Weapons of Mass Destruction; Ottawa Convention Anti-Personnel Landmines; Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Chemical Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; Budapest Convention on Cybercrime; Anti Torture Regulation; Kimberly process; UN Resolution 1325; Paris Principles (Human Rights); Istanbul Convention; Freedom of expression and opinion; Free and fair elections; Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; Elimination of Labour exploitation and modern slavery; Recommendations from Electoral Observation missions; Other international framework/standard/good practice) | Policies Standards Laws Recommendations Horizontal |
10070379 | Degree of conformity of national laws/rules/ processes of interest with international standards or good practices | Categories of degrees are: Not at all, To a limited degree, To medium degree, To a significant degree, Fully | Outcome | FPI - by ONE international framework/standard/good practice (Weapons of Mass Destruction; Ottawa Convention Anti-Personnel Landmines; Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Chemical Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; Budapest Convention on Cybercrime; Anti Torture Regulation; Kimberly process; UN Resolution 1325; Paris Principles (Human Rights); Istanbul Convention; Freedom of expression and opinion; Free and fair elections; Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; Elimination of Labour exploitation and modern slavery; Recommendations from Electoral Observation missions; Other international framework/standard/good practice) | Policies Standards Laws Recommendations Horizontal |
Pending | Level of confidence of the public in the integrity or performance of national stakeholders | This is a qualitative indicator. The grading of tolerance level are: Very poor/limited; Poor/limited; Moderate; Strong/easy; Very strong/easy | Outcome | Accountability Transparency Horizontal |
10070368 | Status of the national laws, policies, strategies, procedures and national mechanisms supported by an EU-funded intervention | Categories of statuses are: Not in existence, Under development, Developed, Under implementation, Improve, Approved/adopted, Implemented | Outcome | Policies Standards National mechanism Reforms Horizontal |
10070376 | Extent to which target groups are collaborating, coordinating or cooperating across different jurisdictions, administrative levels, bodies, management services | Categories of the Extent are: To no extent, To a limited extent, To a medium extent, To a significant extent, To a full extent | Outcome | Horizontal | |
10068784 | Number of a) individuals applying or using resources, procedures or systems developed or promoted with EU support | Outcome | FPI - Type of resource, system, procedure, tool (Climate-security related; CBRN risk mitigation; Disinformation/misinformation-related; Maritime security related; Fight against money laundering and terrorist financing ; Other - Fight against Organised Crime; Aviation security related; Countering radicalisation; Related to fair and free elections ; Related to other democratic processes; Dual use technology; Resilience building; Others; Sustainable business model and strategy; Fact-checked and independent media content); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); FPI - Type of knowledge product (Studies; Learning tools; Guidelines ; Draft regulations; Draft process and Standard Operating Procedures; Others) |
Horizontal | |
10068785 | Number of b) stakeholders applying or using resources, procedures or systems developed or promoted with EU support | Outcome | FPI - Type of resource, system, procedure, tool (Climate-security related; CBRN risk mitigation; Disinformation/misinformation-related; Maritime security related; Fight against money laundering and terrorist financing ; Other - Fight against Organised Crime; Aviation security related; Countering radicalisation; Related to fair and free elections ; Related to other democratic processes; Dual use technology; Resilience building; Others; Sustainable business model and strategy; Fact-checked and independent media content); FPI - Type of knowledge product (Studies; Learning tools; Guidelines ; Draft regulations; Draft process and Standard Operating Procedures; Others) |
Horizontal | |
67850 | GERF 1.30 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services | Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services is currently being measured by the proportion of population using an improved basic drinking water source which is located on premises, available when needed and free of faecal (and priority chemical) contamination. ‘Improved’ drinking water sources include: piped water into dwelling, yard or plot; public taps or standpipes; boreholes or tubewells; protected dug wells; protected springs; packaged water; delivered water and rainwater. Data reported against SDG indicators can be retrieved from the official UN SDG Database and Statistics https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/unsdg. Users are not expected to encode values for these indicators. For more information, check the SDG's metadata on https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-06-01-01.pdf |
Outcome OR Impact | Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
67851 | GERF 1.31 SDG 6.2.1 Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services |
The Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water is currently being measured by the proportion of the population using a basic sanitation facility which is not shared with other households and where excreta is safely disposed in situ or treated off-site. ‘Improved’ sanitation facilities include: flush or pour flush toilets to sewer systems, septic tanks or pit latrines, ventilated improved pit latrines, pit latrines with a slab, and composting toilets. Population with a basic handwashing facility: a device to contain, transport or regulate the flow of water to facilitate handwashing with soap and water in the household. Data reported against SDG indicators can be retrieved from the official UN SDG Database and Statistics https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/unsdg. Users are not expected to encode values for these indicators. For more information, see the SDG indicator's metadata at https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-06-02-01.pdf |
Outcome OR Impact | Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
10054206 | Number of violent conflicts or incidents in the targeted area of the intervention in the last 12 months. | Outcome OR Impact | FPI - Conflict Severity (Critical; High; Moderate; Low); FPI - Type of conflict (Maritime security incidents such as piracy, armed robbery, kidnapping, trafficking, maritime terrorism; At border checkpoints; Related to Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW); Political or elections-related; Associated with the diamond sector; Linked to the exploitation/control over natural resources; Terrorism; Affecting refugees, migrants and/or Internally Displaced persons; Affecting religious communities; Inter-ethnic; Other); Geographical scope (National; Bilateral; Regional; Subnational; Global) |
Horizontal | |
17008 | % of the population who consider lack of security to be the most serious problem they face | Outcome OR Impact | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Age group – GAP III (0-15; 16-24; 25-54; 55+); Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) |
Security Conflict prevention |
65224 | GERF 2.14a Number of people who have benefited from institution or workplace based VET/skills development interventions supported by the EU: (a) all VET/skills development | SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth For more information about the EU RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome OR Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say); Age group - Results framework for VET (15-23; 24+) |
Horizontal |
65225 | GERF 2.14b Number of people who have benefited from institution or workplace based VET/skills development interventions supported by the EU: (b) only VET/skills development for digitalisation | SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome OR Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say); Age group - Results framework for VET (15-23; 24+) |
Horizontal |
17367 | Number of schools including Media and Information Literacy (MIL) as an extra-curriculum activity | Outcome OR Output | Media Information Conflict prevention |
65231 | GERF 2.18a Total length of transport infrastructure supported by the EU (kms): (a) roads | SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Geographical location by food insecurity (IPC phase 1; IPC phases 2-5; No IPC classification) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65232 | GERF 2.18b Total length of transport infrastructure supported by the EU (kms): (b) railways | SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65233 | GERF 2.18c Total length of transport infrastructure supported by the EU (kms): (c) waterways | SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65236 | GERF 2.20 Number of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people or individuals from host communities protected or assisted with EU support. |
SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say) |
Migration DDR Conflict prevention |
65240 | GERF 2.23 Number of state institutions and non-state actors supported by the EU on security, border management, countering violent extremism, conflict prevention, protection of civilian population and human rights [SP]† |
SDG 16 - Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | Sector (Public sector; Private sector; Civil society sector) | Security Reforms Migration DDR Conflict prevention Peacekeeping |
65241 | GERF 2.24 Number of people directly benefiting from EUsupported interventions that specifically aim to support civilian post-conflict peace-building and/or conflict prevention [NDICI-Global Europe][SP]‡ |
SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say); Population group (Ethnic minority group member; Linguistic group member; Religious group member; None of the above) |
Security Reforms Migration DDR Conflict prevention Peacekeeping |
65242 | GERF 2.25 Number of people directly benefiting from legal aid interventions supported by the EU † |
SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say) |
Human Rights Reforms Migration DDR Conflict prevention Justice |
78156 | GERF 2.27 Number of electoral processes and democratic cycles supported, observed and followed by means of Election Observation Missions [SP] |
Output | Elections |
65246 | GERF 2.30 Number of victims of human rights violations directly benefiting from assistance funded by the EU [NDICIGlobal Europe][SP]† |
SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Victims of human rights violations (Human rights defenders at risk; Other); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say); Age group –Results framework for Migration (<5; 6-18; 19+) |
Human Rights Reforms Migration DDR Conflict prevention Justice |
65252 | GERF 2.36a Number of students enrolled in education with EU support: (a) primary education | SDG 4 – Quality Education For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65255 | GERF 2.37 Number of people benefitting from EU-funded interventions to counter sexual and gender-based violence |
SDG 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say) |
DDR Security Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention Human Rights Gender Equality |
10053715 | Number of facilities built, rehabilitated or equipped with EU support | Please note that this indicator doesn't include roads, ralways or waterways. In such cases, the preference is to use instead GERF 2.18a Total length of transport infrastructure supported by the EU (kms): (a) roads | Output | FPI - Type of facilities (Education services; Health services; Laboratories and science; Energy related; Justice related; Domestic security & Military Forces; Domestic security & Police Forces; Weapons storage; Emergencies related; Communications; Water and sanitation; Transports and logistic; Other) | Horizontal |
10054195 | Number of people with increased skills or knowledge as a result of a training process supported by EU funded intervention | Output | FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) |
Horizontal | |
10068295 | Number of tools/software/equipment provided to beneficiaries with EU support |
Output | FPI - Types of tools and equipment (Interoperable maritime security information systems; Climate and security related risk assessments tools; Other Interoperable security information systems; Export control on dual-use technologies; Counterterrorism units; Early warning systems; Others) | Horizontal | |
10068896 | Number of networks, platforms, dialogues, or mechanisms set up or supported by the EU- funded intervention | Output | FPI - Type of membership (Civil society organisations; Private entities; Public entities; Multistakeholders; Others); FPI - Gender-sensitive participation (Includes active measures for the participation of women; Doesn't include active measures for the participation of women or is not known.); FPI - Youth sensitiveness - Participation (Includes active measures for the participation of youth ; Doesn't include active measures for the participation of youth or is not known) |
Horizontal | |
10070069 | Number of people benefitting from other basic services (excluding education, nutrition, TVET, water&sanitation, electricity, internet connection and legal aid) supported by an EU-funded intervention | This indicator measures access to basic services not measured by existing GERF indicators (in the case of education, nutrition, TVET, water&sanitation, electricity, internet connection and legal aid). The use of GERF indicators when relevant is a priority. | Outcome OR Output | FPI - DDR groups (Ex-combatants and family members; Ex-radicalised individuals; Refugees; IDPs; From ethnic groups ; From host communities; Migrants; Asylum seekers; From communities hit or affected by disasters or conflicts; General population; Others); FPI - Type of support services (Health care; Food; Shelter; Counselling; TVET; Legal advice; Education; Civil documents; Psychological treatment/support ; Water/Sanitation/Hygiene; Referral ; Other); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Age group – GAP III (0-15; 16-24; 25-54; 55+) |
Horizontal |
10053755 | Number of knowledge-based products developed or disseminated with EU support | Output | FPI - Content of communication product (Conflict management; Mediation; Reconciliation; Peacebuilding; Combating dis/misinformation; Security-related; Countering terrorism and violent extremism/radicalisation; Human Rights including GBV-related; Climate Change and Environment; Promotion of EU Values; Electoral information; Others; De-mining); FPI - Type of knowledge product (Studies; Learning tools; Guidelines ; Draft regulations; Draft process and Standard Operating Procedures; Others); FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives) |
Horizontal | |
10053782 | Number of communication products developed and disseminated with EU support | Output | FPI - Content of communication product (Conflict management; Mediation; Reconciliation; Peacebuilding; Combating dis/misinformation; Security-related; Countering terrorism and violent extremism/radicalisation; Human Rights including GBV-related; Climate Change and Environment; Promotion of EU Values; Electoral information; Others; De-mining); FPI - Channel for dissemination of communication product (Radio; TV; Print media; Online press; Discussion group (WA); Social media; Mobile telephony; Others); FPI - Type of communication product (Audio clip; Video clip; Article; Web content; Post; Other); FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives) |
Horizontal | |
10068788 | Number of organisations/stakeholders supported in the review, revision or development of legal frameworks, policies, plans and other relevant processes |
Output | FPI - Type of framework supported (Legal framework national; Policy; Plans ; Budgets; Reports; International reports; Administrative or operational procedures; Standards ; Others); FPI - Reform-sensitiveness (Linked to reform processes in the partner countries; Not linked to reform processes in the partner countries); FPI - Gender-sensitiveness (Include gender equality objectives; Don't include gender equality objectives); FPI - Types of practices/policies/processes (Regional partnerships; Addressing maritime security; Addressing challenges of global concern; Related to the Europe 2020 strategy; Recommendations from regional and international oversight mechanisms; Integrating the nexus between climate, environment and security/displacement/fragility; Integrating data-based climate risks; Related to the Kimberley Process; Integrated border security management; Addressing cybercrime; Addressing cybersecurity; People-to-people diplomacy; Addressing CBRN risk mitigation; Integrated border security management; Promoting Human Rights; Early warning systems) |
Policies Standards National mechanism Reforms Horizontal |
10068790 | Number of b) households reached by awareness or media campaigns |
Output | FPI - Channel for dissemination of communication product (Radio; TV; Print media; Online press; Discussion group (WA); Social media; Mobile telephony; Others); FPI - Content of communication product (Conflict management; Mediation; Reconciliation; Peacebuilding; Combating dis/misinformation; Security-related; Countering terrorism and violent extremism/radicalisation; Human Rights including GBV-related; Climate Change and Environment; Promotion of EU Values; Electoral information; Others; De-mining) |
Media Horizontal |
10068789 | Number of a) individuals reached by awareness or media campaigns | Output | FPI - Channel for dissemination of communication product (Radio; TV; Print media; Online press; Discussion group (WA); Social media; Mobile telephony; Others); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); FPI - Content of communication product (Conflict management; Mediation; Reconciliation; Peacebuilding; Combating dis/misinformation; Security-related; Countering terrorism and violent extremism/radicalisation; Human Rights including GBV-related; Climate Change and Environment; Promotion of EU Values; Electoral information; Others; De-mining) |
Media Horizontal |
17099 | Number of gender sensitive conflict and resilience analyses undertaken to underpin responses to conflict/crises situations | Output | Conflict prevention DDR Peacekeeping Horizontal |
65748 | Number of km powerlines rehabilitated | Output | Reconstruction Conflict prevention Emergencies Horizontal |
65502 | Number of m2 of mined areas cleared | Output | Demining DDR |
65505 | Number of people residing in previously mined areas released by project | Output | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | DDR Demining Peacekeeping |
65861 | Number of strategic countries where a culture of safety and responsible science with respect to the handling and use of CBRN materials or related equipment and technologies is promoted | Output | Responsible science Security Technology CBRN |
10073504 | Number of a) stakeholders who have accessed funds, networks, know how, contacts from EU funded interventions | This indicator counts stakeholders other than the implementing partners of the interventions supported by the EU. Access means direct access to activities implemented by the intervention. The indicator does not measure access to services for which GERF indicators alredy exist. In this case, the entity accessing the benefits must be an organisation or a person representing the organisation. If the type of support that the organisation is having access to is not within the types listed in the disaggregation, then the indicator should not be used because in this case there is no "Other" category. | Output | FPI - Type of support provided (Technical&Advisory Assistance only; Grants or financial assistance only; Capacity development only; Communication/Visibility/Networking only; A mix of support (TA, capacity development, networking) WITH financial assistance; A mix of support (TA, capacity development, networking) WITHOUT financial assistance) | Horizontal |
10073503 | Number of b) individuals who have accessed funds, networks, know how, contacts from EU funded interventions | This indicator counts individuals other than from the implementing partners of the interventions supported by the EU. Access means direct access to activities implemented by the intervention. The indicator does not measure access to services for which GERF indicators alredy exist. In this case the individuals access the benefits on personal basis and not in representation of an organisation. If the type of support that the organisation is having access to is not within the types listed in the disaggregation, then the indicator should not be used because in this case there is no "Other" category. | Output | FPI - Type of support provided (Technical&Advisory Assistance only; Grants or financial assistance only; Capacity development only; Communication/Visibility/Networking only; A mix of support (TA, capacity development, networking) WITH financial assistance; A mix of support (TA, capacity development, networking) WITHOUT financial assistance); Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Age group – GAP III (0-15; 16-24; 25-54; 55+) |
Horizontal |
Pending | Number of supported organisations that show an improved level of sustainability | Outcome | By Country By membership (CSO, Private entities, Public entities, Multistakeholders, Others) Degrees of sustainability (Fully sustainable, Mostly sustainable, Moderately sustainable, Not sustainable) Geographical scope: National, Bilateral, Regional, Subnational, Global |
Horizontal | |
Pending | Level of sustainability of the mechanisms or systems supported by the EU funded intervention | This is a qualitative indicator. The grading of tolerance level are: Very poor/limited; Poor/limited; Moderate; Strong/easy; Very strong/easy | Outcome | ||
Pending | Global Score of the World Press Freedom Index | Press freedom is defined as the ability of journalists as individuals and collectives to select, produce, and disseminate news in the public interest independent of political, economic, legal, and social interference and in the absence of threats to their physical and mental safety. Each country or territory’s score is evaluated using five contextual indicators that reflect the press freedom situation in all of its complexity: political context, legal framework, economic context, sociocultural context and safety. Reporters Without Borders: https://rsf.org/en/methodology-used-compiling-world-press-freedom-index… |
Impact | By Country | Media |
172554 | Extent to which legislation and/or policy prohibiting/addressing VAWG has been developed, strengthened and/or implemented | Categories of the Extent are: To no extent, To a limited extent, To a medium extent, To a significant extent, To a full extent | Outcome | Policies Standards National mechanism Reforms Gender equality Horizontal |
18615 | Level of awareness and critical thinking about disinformation spread by extremists | Categories of the levels are: Fully, Partially, Not at all | Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex) | Media Information Conflict prevention |
10068298 | Number of cases documented |
Output OR Outcome | FPI - Gender-based approach (Addresses gender-equality objectives and adopts gender-responsive methods; Assumes that men and women have the same needs and interests or don't know about the gender approach); FPI - Case jurisdictions (National jurisdiction; International jurisdiction; Outside judicial system; Others); FPI - Type of cases (Human Rights violations; Gender-based violence; Ethnic discrimination ; Organised Crime; Terrorism; Cybercrime; Electoral fraud; Torture; Crimes against Humanity / War crimes; Others; Fraud) |
Justice Human Rights Reforms |
10068895 | Number of equivalent units of arms, weapons or ammunitions removed, destroyed or disposed | Output OR Outcome | FPI - Type of arms (Small arms and light weapons (SALW) (units); Ammunitions (units); Chemical weapons (kg); Biological weapons (litres); Anti-personnel landmine (units); Other mines (units); Weapon equipment (kg); Other explosives (kg); Others (units)) | DDR Demining |
10068782 | Number of a) individuals engaged in dialogues, community works or the provision of services for the community (economic, social, cultural, etc.) with the support of the EU, | Output OR Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Generic age (0-4; 5-9 ; 10-14; 15-19; 20-24; 25-34; 35-65; 66 and over; 0-17; 18 and over); Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) |
Horizontal | |
10068783 | Number of b) organisations engaged in dialogues, community works or the provision of services for the community (economic, social, cultural, etc.) with the support of the EU | Output OR Outcome | Horizontal | ||
66337 | Amount (tonnes) of weapons materials, explosives etc. destroyed, disposed of or removed for destruction | Confiscated, surplus or obsolete weapons and ammunition and related materials destroyed, disposed of, or removed for destruction | Output OR Outcome | DDR Demining |
17224 | Availability of safe drinking water (litres per person per day) | Output OR Outcome | Rural/urban (Rural ; Urban; Other (i.e. peri-urban, isolated)) | DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |
65253 | GERF 2.36b Number of students enrolled in education with EU support: (b) secondary education | SDG 4 – Quality Education For more information about the GE RF methodological notes please check https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/eu-rfi |
Outcome | Sex (Female; Male; Intersex); Gender (Woman/girl ; Man/boy ; Non-binary; Prefer not to say) |
DDR Emergencies Reconstruction Conflict prevention |