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social protection

Economic and social rights

Results and Indicators for Development
Gender Equality



GAP III thematic area of engagement: Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women 

This section presents the GAP III objectives and related indicators for GAP III thematic area Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women.

Empowering women economically is key to reducing poverty and to achieving inclusive and sustainable growth under the 2030 Agenda. Women and men in all their diversity should have equal opportunities, equal access to employment, decent work, equal pay for equal work in order to be economically independent.

Women and men should equally share care responsibilities and have access to adequate social protection, public services, and financial and business opportunities. In addition, women and girls also need to have access to enabling conditions, such as access to safe, affordable and accessible public transport and other mobility options, both in rural and urban areas. 

Source: McKinsey Global Institute report The Power of Parity: How Advancing Women’s Equality can add $12 Trillion to Global Growth, 2015

This thematic area of engagement is divided into three sub areas:

  • Economic empowerment
  • Promoting gender equality in education
  • Promoting universal access to health

GAP III Objectives & Indicators

Thematic area of engagement: Promoting economic and social rights and empowering girls and women

Each GAP III thematic area is accompanied by a set of objectives and indicators. They include selected Sustainable Development Goals indicators, the thematic indicators of the Women Peace and Security action plan, other relevant regionally and internationally referenced indicators, including a selection in line with objectives of the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative, and relevant indicators from the EU Results Framework. There are also selected qualitative indicators, which seek to capture the hard-to-measure changes in social norms and attitudes and transformations in gender power relations.

Objectives as well as indicators can be selected when designing relevant interventions, and incorporated in the project/programme monitoring frameworks.

At outcome level, priority may be given to “key outcome indicators” as they will be used for reporting on Gender Action Plan III.

Related SDGs

No poverty_SDG
1. No Poverty
Zero hunger_SDG
2. Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-Being_SDG
3. Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education_SDG
4. Quality Education
Gender Equality_SDG
5. Gender Equality
Decent Work And Economic Growth_SDG
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequalities_SDG
10. Reduced Inequality

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