The EU Approach to Forced Displacement and Development and the Communication on Lives in Dignity respond to the 2030 Agenda call that forcibly displaced persons should not be left behind in progress towards the SDGs. EU interventions therefore aim at helping the forcibly displaced to become equal members of society, with a stable perspective in their place of return or in their host community.
Social cohesion within and between communities and conflict are often key factors influencing implementation. Where actions do not specifically address these issues, it is nevertheless strongly recommend to include these aspects in their risk monitoring, to ensure EU actions don't do harm and are conflict sensitive.
We recommend using the EU operational guidance on forced displacement in order to better understand situations of forced displacement and design responses, in close collaboration with EU humanitarian and political action.
Disaggregation of data is essential to understand how displaced persons fare compared to their host communities, and both compared to the national average. Further information on such an approach and additional suggestions for indicators by sector can be found in the 2018 Durable Solutions Analysis Guide. Data will not always be readily available. Additional information should then be collected in support of national systems, wherever feasible.
Where interventions focus on a specific sector (e.g. education, health, or employment), we strongly recommend also consulting relevant results chains and indicator guidance developed for this sector. Disaggregation of data and including specific challenges of those affected by displacement would thus ensure mainstreaming of forced displacement in such an action.
The EU Approach to Forced Displacement and Development
- The EU aims to foster the socio-economic inclusion and self-reliance of forcibly displaced persons. This will build opportunities to realise their full potential for their own futures and for the welfare of their host societies;
- The EU fully recognizes the significant impact forced displacement has on host communities, both positive (e.g. increased market demand) and negative (e.g. pressure on service provision);
- Through our interventions, we therefore need to ensure that displaced and host communities are not left behind, so as to enable all those affected by displacement to make progress towards the SDGs;
- This development-led approach builds on integrated responses through national systems: for instance, it supports increasing and improving access to the national education system for displaced and host communities instead of establishing parallel systems.
Policy and Strategic Documents
- Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) (2021)
- GAP III objectives and indicators (SWD 2020 - 284 final)
- EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024
- Operational Note No10 Forced Displacement - Guidance Package on Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (2019)
- 2018 Durable Solutions Analysis Guide
- Council conclusions: EU Approach to Forced Displacement and Development (2016)
- Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (2016)
- Resources - Introduction to GCR | The Global Compact on Refugees | Digital platform