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The Capacity4dev editorial team regularly publishes knowledge pieces on external cooperation (projects and policies), featuring development professionals sharing good practices, with operational insight.


Environment day
Voices & Views

This year’s theme for World Environment Day puts the focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience with the slogan “Our land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” According to data from the...

Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Civil Society
Climate change & disaster risks
Environment & green economy
Governance & Corruption
Justice & rule of law
Results (6)
Environment day

Countering environmental crime: data collection, elite corruption exposure and community engagement

Voices & Views

This year’s theme for World Environment Day puts the focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience with the slogan “Our land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” According to data from the UN, up to 40%...

Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Civil Society
Climate change & disaster risks
Environment & green economy
Governance & Corruption
Justice & rule of law

Views from the Field: Q&A with Thierry Cozier, EU Head of Cooperation in Sierra Leone

Voices & Views

Over two years since the Ebola crisis, Sierra Leone has seen modest recovery while continuing to struggle with the legacy of its civil war. EU Head of Cooperation, Thierry Cozier, discusses the challenges of addressing food...

Sierra Leone
Fishing policy
Fragility, Crisis Situations & Resilience
Post conflict
Governance & Corruption
Anti-Corruption tools and methods

EU-Honduras Timber Negotiations Strengthen Fight against Illegal Logging

Voices & Views

If you have ever been to Honduras, you will know that it is one of the greenest countries in Central America. Forestry has had a long history there and continues to be an important source of energy for the impoverished rural...

Americas & the Caribbean
Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Climate change & disaster risks
Environment & green economy
Governance & Corruption
Private Sector
Trade & Economic Integration

Young Voices for Inclusive Governance

Voices & Views

At the European Development Days, several leading development and youth organisations came together to organise a session on Young Voices for Inclusive Governance. The panel included two young people, Luciano from Brazil and...

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Americas & the Caribbean
Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Climate change & disaster risks
Environment & green economy
Governance & Corruption

Africa's Natural Resources: ‘Resource-Rich’ Shouldn’t Mean ‘Conflict Ridden’

Voices & Views

All too often, the countries in Africa that nature has endowed with the most economically valuable resources have also struggled with devastating instability and conflict: A paradox that the African Union and European Commission...

Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Capacity Development
Climate change & disaster risks
Environment & green economy
Fragility, Crisis Situations & Resilience
Governance & Corruption
Knowledge Management
Private Sector
Trade & Economic Integration

Regional Farmers’ Organisations Have Potential for Greater Input in Rural Development

Voices & Views

Farmers’ organisations could play a larger role in rural development, according to one Asian farmers’ representative, who would like to see donors working more closely with farmers’ groups and even make direct funding allocations...

Agriculture & Rural Development
Food & Nutrition Security
Governance & Corruption