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This year has already seen numbers jump for wind power with the addition of approximately 40 GW of capacity being added, according to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). The European wind market is stronger than ever with China gaining great speed as the GWEC predicts the global wind energy could double between 2010 and 2014.

GWEC said that there are encouraging signs from the Latin American countries such as Chile, Mexico, and Brazil along with the northern as well as sub-Saharan Africa. Globally, 1,000 GW of installed wind capacities are expected to be operating across the globe by 2020 and up to 2,300 GW by the year 2030.

Northern Africa is considerably strong for the continent, with new developments underway such as its new wind farm in Melloussa, which spans 42 km, houses 165 turbines, and has a production capacity of 140 MW. This is the first of five wind farms to be erected in the North African country which, upon completion, will give Morocco the title of having the largest wind farm in Africa increasing its wind generation capacity from the current 280 MW to 2000 MW in 2020.

Egypt recently received a $432-million soft loan from Japan for a 220-MW wind farm project in Gabal El Zeit, located on the western coast of the Gulf of Suez. This wind farm will be in line with Abu Dhabi’s Masdar to help with the construction and implementation. And other North African country Algeria is getting started with its first wind farm expected to be operational in 2012. Vergnet was awarded a €24-million contract to design, manufacture, and install the 10 MW farm in Adrar located in southern Algeria.

Source: Alternative Energy Africa