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Capacity development – where people, organisations and society as a whole unleash, strengthen, create, adapt and maintain capacity over time  – has been an elusive challenge. Sustainability and empowerment have been at the core of its thinking and practice, and it has been on the agenda of development policy makers over two decades.

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Finding the right way to support country-driven capacity development has remained a key challenge, and has driven much of the analytical work commissioned by the international community on the subject over the past 15 years., established in 1999, came at a time when the international donor community was courting ideas on how to deal with this concept meaningfully. Few disagreed about its importance, but many questioned its theoretical underpinnings and operational value.

To mark the 15th year of publication of, this new book explores these questions in the firm belief that capacity development is as relevant today as it has ever been, and that it already plays a critical role in transforming societies ‘beyond aid’.The book is also available in French / La version française est disponible ici.

New ECDPM Dossier: Capacity, change and performance

This latest Dossier acts as a one-stop-shop for a wealth of material on the various work streams related to capacity development undertaken by ECDPM and its partners over many years.