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Discussion details

Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, made the following statement on 9 July 2012: 

"The legislative elections on 7 July marked a further important milestone in Timor-Leste's impressive development in the last decade. In its short history since restoration of independence in 2002 Timor-Leste has made remarkable progress and provided an example to the international community of successful state-building.  

The people of Timor-Leste deserve praise for the strong turn-out and the manner in which these elections were held, which demonstrate the vitality of Timor-Leste's young democracy. National authorities, electoral management bodies and security forces have played their role in an exemplary manner, thus ensuring a peaceful, inclusive und transparent process. The EU for the 3rd time since 2001 dispatched an Election Observation Mission following an invitation by the government, which in its preliminary statement confirmed this positive assessment.  

The High Representative welcomes in particular the expected increase in women’s representation in the new parliament. The EU looks forward to a smooth formation of a new government, following the publication of the official results. The EU looks forward to continuing its excellent partnership with Timor-Leste under the new government." 

The statement is available here

Further information