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Created 29 September 2023

Solid Waste Management in urban areas in developing countries, poses complex challenges to inadequate infrastructure. Overflowing landfills and littered streets and canals are a common sight.

With traditional waste management following a linear pattern (make, use - throw away), the resulting excessive waste, the resource depletion and environmental damage seems inevitable. Circular economy is an innovative solution that aims to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency. In urban areas, circular strategies include reuse of items (e.g., clothing, electronics) and composting to keep organic waste out of landfills, at the same time benefiting urban agriculture projects.

In addition, circular economy principles promote economic growth by creating jobs in recycling, remanufacturing, and reprocessing, reducing waste, and alleviating poverty in developing countries.

The transition to a circular economy is not easy; it requires coordinated efforts by governments, businesses, and communities to change consumer behavior and invest in sustainable infrastructure. Financial and technical support is essential to kick-start circular economy initiatives in growing cities in countries of the Global South.

Given the rapid urbanization in many countries in Africa and Asia, we need to promote flexible systems that address many issues from waste prevention to recycling. Circular economy is a key solution strategy. By designing production, consumption and waste management differently, we can reduce pressure on landfills, conserve resources and pave the way for a sustainable future.

For the French speaking SWM community : please observe the Urban October event on citizen-participation-for-a-local-circular-economy! 


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