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Discussion details

The discussions of the Policy Forum on Development (PFD) during the past years have resulted in a wealth of knowledge that we are currently compiling. Our members have been contributing to the discussions around EU development policy through global and regional meetings, capturing insight from constituents to improve the ways in which development objectives are pursued, as well as ensuring that the voices and concerns of civil society and local authorities are taken into consideration by the EU in its decision-making process.

Given the appointment of a new European Commission, the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and now the circumstances we are all facing due to the spread of Covid-19, we are carrying out a short consultation to share with the European Commission and wider EU colleagues. We invite all our members and their constituencies to respond and to share this consultation as widely as possible amongst your networks, please.

Link to the survey (available in English, Spanish and French):

For those of you interested in being involved in more in depth discussions, there is a space for you to share your contact information for further follow up, either via virtual focus groups or individual interviews.

The link will be open until May 4th.

We hope that you stay well and look forward to your input.

Thank you for your valuable time,

The PFD team