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Discussion details

Social protection experts seek to exchange and discuss how countries around the world are reacting to the COVID-19 crisis through social protection actions. Would you like to collaborate with your field experiences or discuss key issues on capacity4dev? Leave a comment or email to contact the group facilitator to inform topics you would like to see here in the group. 

The Social protection responses to COVID-19 Task Force on is promoting webinars exploring the role of social protection in responding to the pandemic. Find below a list of upcoming and past webinars that may be of your interest. 

Upcoming webinars:

  • Webinar #7: Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on formal sector workers: (potential) social protection and employment responses. (April 28 at 09:00 EDT/GMT-4). Click here to register. 

  • Webinar #8: COVID-19 Experience of Countries ahead of the Global Curve: Country-to-Country Learning and South-South Cooperation. (30 April, 2020 - 08:00 EDT/GMT-4). Click here to register.

  • Webinar #9: Social protection financing in the wake of COVID-19 and beyond. (5 May, 2020 - 09:00 EDT/GMT-4) Click here to register.

  • Webinar #10: Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the Coronavirus Crisis – Challenges and Responses: maintaining essential health services while responding to COVID-19 (May 12 at 08:00 EDT/GMT-4). Click here to register.

Past webinars:

  • Webinar #1: Exploring universal basic income: lessons for COVID response and beyond (March 31). You can access the recording, the PPT presented and the webinar summary.

  • Webinar #2: How can social protection systems respond to the COVID-19 crisis (April 7).You can access the recordingthe PPT presented, the webinar summary and join the Q&A discussion.

  • Webinar #3: Social Protection responses to COVID-19: Actions that can make a difference for older people (April 9). You can access the recordingthe PPT presented, and the webinar summary.
  • Webinar #4: G2P Payments in COVID-19 context: Key areas of action and experiences from country emergency actions. (April 14). You can access the recordingthe PPT presented, the webinar summary and join the Q&A discussion.
  • Webinar #5: Lessons learned and Opportunities: Linking SP systems to humanitarian cash in a pandemic. (April 16). You can access the recording and the PPT presented.

  • Webinar #6: Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on employment: (potential) solutions for informal/ self-employed workers. (April 21). You can access the recording and the PPT presented.