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Here you can find the Debt Management and
Financial Analysis System Programme (DEMFAS) annual report :

This annual report describes the activities, achievements and financial situation of the DMFAS Programme of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2021. It is intended for the
Programme’s donors, development partners and beneficiary countries, and for all those interested in debt and development issues.
40 years after the Programme’s creation, developments during 2021
continued to highlight its relevance. The Programme’s activities during the year addressed the pressing needs of countries facing the challenges of financial vulnerabilities and increased risks of debt distress, aggravated by the COVID-19 health and economic crises.
The DMFAS strategic plan 2020–2023 proved to be effective and adaptable in supporting countries’ efforts to ensure the availability of comprehensive, accurate and timely information on public debt, thus contributing to external debt sustainability and debt data transparency.