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You have now available, in the website of Eurostat, in the section of Statistics Explained, the Outline of Knowledge of the Guide to Statistics in European Commission Development Cooperation.

What is the Outline of Knowledge?

The Outline of Knowledge is a series of articles related to Statistics in Development Cooperation where you can find brief information on subjects such as, as NSDS, advocacy, MDG, Budget Support, coordination, PCM, development indicators, NSI, quality in statistics, statistical capacity, etc., … The articles are available in EN, FR and ES.

Have a look on the link:

Comments (3)

Dear all,

We hope you find these 'Statistics explained' articles useful, presenting in a concise form some of the main issues discussed in the 'Guide to statistics in European Commission development cooperation'.

Just for information: just like the Guide itself, the 'Outline of Knowledge' is also available in in French and Spanish; you can just click on the corresponding language in the menu bar on the left in 'Statistics explained'. Alternatively, the direct links to the overview are: Spanish:… French:… Best regards Knut