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Dear colleagues,

EuropeAid’s work on a European Union (EU) results framework includes reviewing the experiences of other EU member states and multilateral donors in view of pursuing consistency of approach.

On 28 March the UK Department for International Development (DFID) published a report setting out the structure of its results framework, the headline results to be delivered through DFID bilateral and multilateral programmes, as well as the list of indicators for monitoring and managing these results. Please find enclosed this report for your information and thoughts.

The DFID approach uses standard indicators to aggregate outputs or/and outcomes, on four levels that capture “the main stages through which inputs are transformed into developing country results”. 

Level 1 indicators represent development outcomes to which DFID is seeking to contribute in partner countries. These outcomes cannot be attributed to DFID alone; they result from the collective action of countries and diverse development partners.

Level 2 indicators measure outputs and intermediate outcomes which can be directly linked to DFID interventions. DFID has also published methodological guidance for each of the Level 2 indicators.

Level 3 indicators are defined for monitoring DFID’s operational effectiveness

Level 4 indicators aim to monitor improvements in the efficiency of DFID’s internal corporate processes


DFID website: