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Education Cannot Wait (ECW) is conducting a survey on it's next Strategic Plan 2023-2026. They invite all stakeholders to  be a part of that process through sharing their insights, experience and suggestions via this survey. 

The survey can be completed by individuals with experience of or interest in the work of ECW and of education in emergencies and protracted crises more broadly. A high response rate will help to improve the decisions ECW makes about its priorities and ways of working over the next operational period. Please note that the survey will close on 31 March 2022. If you have any questions about the survey or would like to share other suggestions about ECW’s next Strategic Plan, you may contact the ECW Secretariat at


At the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, ECW was established to work with others to provide children and young people affected by armed conflicts, forced displacement, natural disasters and protracted crises with the safety, hope and opportunity of access to quality education. Guided by its current Strategic Plan, ECW has worked to increase political support and funding for education in emergencies and protracted crises, improve joint planning and response, strengthen capacity and improve accountability. ECW has mobilised US$1.1 billion in contributions via its global trust fund and leveraged a further US$1 billion of funding aligned to its programmes. This has allowed ECW to reach 4.6 million children, ensuring they have the opportunity to access quality education.


However, in a world reeling from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, facing down a growing number of conflicts and experiencing more and bigger natural disasters, including those linked to climate change, ECW believes there is a huge amount more to do. Those ambitions and how ECW achieves them will be set-out in ECW’s next Strategic Plan, which is under development.



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