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Electoral integrity is fundamental for democracy. Having fair and free-of-conflict elections ensures the health of democracy and the rule of law. However, there are many countries where elections still fail to meet the ideals. Violence, misinformation and electoral fraud and malpractice are only some of the elements that keep threatening the possibility of having fair elections.

In order to give a response to this global challenge, the European Commission (EC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) joined forces in 2006 in what has become the longest collaboration between these two institutions. Over the last decade, the EC and UNDP have teamed up in over a hundred electoral assistance projects all over the world. Their expertise and support has helped national, regional and local governments proceed with fair elections. According to UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, “Together, we helped deliver free and credible elections in a range of complex post-conflict and political transition environments.”

After a decade of collaboration, the EC and UNDP have decided to renew their vows by approving the new Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Electoral Assistance Projects and Programmes. The new agreement was signed by UNDP Administrator Helen Clark and EU Commissioner Neven Mimica last April 15th in Washington DC. Other events took place during the same week in New York and Brussels to support the new compromise between two of the major institutions in electoral assistance.

Vision Communication accompanied the EC and the UNDP during the events in the three cities to offer them a range of communication and event support services. At Vision, through communication for action, we will keep working towards achieving democracy and fair elections.

Watch the highlights of the event and interviews with some of the top experts involved here.

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