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Team Europe and Switzerland endorsed a new Joint Prgoramming Document in Laos. The new document was adopted after thorough consultations and builds up on lessons learned during the previous Joint Programming exercise (2016-2020). It focuses on 3 priorities areas:

(1) Green and Inclusive Economy, with a focus on Agriculture and Rural Development, Natural Resources  & Environment, Private Sector Development and Trade and Tourism ;

(2) Human Capital, emphasizing Education and Health ; and

(3) Good Governance,  targeting Local governance, Public Finance Management, Citizens’ engagement, and Justice/Rule of Law and human rights.

The group, which composed by the EU, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg plus Switzerland also adressed 8 cross-cutting priorities including among others Gender and Youth, Civil Society participation, Digitalization... 

Comments (1)

Hello, thanks for sharing this interesting news. Sorry if I'm missing it, but is there a document (e.g. joint programming document or powerpoint) that we could access?

Thanks again