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Minister for Agriculture Inia Seruiratu signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with non-resident ambassador of Israel Tibor Schlosser, who signed the MOU on behalf of "MASHAV" - Israel's Agency for International Development Co-operation.

Mr Seruiratu, after welcoming Mr Schlosser, said the Fijian Government had big plans for agriculture.

"And we've got the will and the commitment to further improve the agricultural sector because indirectly and directly more than 200,000 people benefit from the sector. And of course a good percentage of our people still live in rural areas and agriculture is their livelihood and most importantly to address the socioeconomic issues that we face and most particularly to contribute to the growth and development of the country particularly in terms of increasing our contribution to GDP," Mr Seruiratu said.

He said agriculture was critical for Fiji particularly in terms of sustainable development goals particularly on SDG 2 on zero hunger because these were the key issues in as far as sustainable development was concerned.

Israel Assists Fiji In Agriculture Courses…