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The recent Ebola virus outbreak has taken the world by surprise. Infecting over 17000 people, and resulting in a reported 6070 deaths to date*, this outbreak has raised several questions. Were we prepared enough to deal with such an outbreak? Was the international community too slow to respond? How can we contain this and future outbreaks? 

Over the next few days we will be publishing a series of interviews with experts from the EC and beyond looking at some of these questions, with a focus on the EC response. 

The first interview is with Marcus Cornaro, Deputy Director General of EuropeAid. He recently travelled to Sierra Leone and Liberia and shared his thoughts with on donor coordination on the ground, how Ebola is affecting the economy and the problem of stigmatisation. Focus on the Ebola Virus Outbreak

The content published during this focus includes: 

We also encourage you to join the site, become a member of this group, or the Health Crisis Prevention, Preparedness and Response group, and share your own thoughts on the current Ebola outbreak. You can also find out more about in the EU Mobile Labs: Addressing the Ebola outbreak project.

*Source World Health Organisation 8 December 2014