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Morocco suffers from scarce water resources and increasing water demand. Like its neighboring countries in the region, Morocco is faced with the challenge of sustainably developing and managing its water resources. With its growing population, rapid urbanization, and developing economy – including industrial growth in the mining and agricultural sectors, both heavy water users – mitigating Morocco’s water scarcity is a national priority. In order to tackle the key problem of unsustainable water management practices in Morocco and the Maghreb/MENA region, this pilot project will address the root causes of the problem: lack of knowledge of the current and future skills gaps and employment opportunities, lack of industry professionals with skills in the latest water management technologies, and lack of replication of best practices. The goal of the project is to improve industrial and municipal water management practices in the Maghreb/MENA region in an inclusive and sustainable way. To achieve the intended objectives of the project a high-level training hub for Aquatronics will be established within an existing training center. The Aquatronics training approach creates a new and unique job profile that meets the requirement of improving water management using today’s best practice and adaptive virtual reality technology. The practice-oriented training aims to support the combination of the different subjects and system-oriented thinking in the design, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and repair of modern water facilities and their components. This new job profile will provide beneficiaries with the necessary skills to improve their employability in the water sector. Furthermore, this project serves to demonstrate concepts and facilitate the replication of H2O Maghreb activities to other countries in the region, and thereby contribute to solving water management challenges at a regional level.

You can find the first newsletter regarding this project HERE