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Posted on Busan HLF4

The new Gender Action Plan for 2016-20 (GAP II) establishes gender analysis as mandatory for all new actions ( GAP II and GAP Guidance Note in Annex). Delegations are expected to have carried it out by mid-2016.

A team of experts is available to assist EU Delegations with preparation of ToR for gender analysis  and their orientation to fit the needs and selected concentration areas of the Delegation, as well as to guide the Delegation in using the outcome of the gender analysis into the Annual Plan (e.g. preparation of new Action Documents, independently of the concentration area targeted through it). You can contact them directly using this address or through DEVCO B1.

The team of experts is available to provide support on the:

  • Development of Terms of reference for the gender analysis 
  • Selection of local experts (CVs etc)
  •  Review of existing and/or new analysis
  • Integration of the findings of the gender analysis into your programmes (indicators etc).

Experts' missions are not planned, but some mission support might be available from DEVCO B1. Please contact them for further details.

You can see examples of what other delegations are doing here in the EC/EEAS GROUP: DEVCO Gender Focal Persons. This is a “private group”; ask your gender focal person for information or contact Further references may be found in the recently released EU Resource Package on gender 

We are fully aware of the workload the Delegations face, reason for which we stand ready to assist in any way possible, as described, to make sure that your Delegation fulfils the obligations deriving from the GAP II adoption.


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