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Created 16 May 2024

It is a pleasure to be part of the Latin American group. Let me kindly and humbly introduce myself. I have more than 15 years of experience in promoting energy policies, plans, strategies, programs and projects to foster sustainable development: From the formulation, management and implementation of national and regional initiatives (through multi-actor and multidisciplinary teams) to the structuring of financial operations with Multilateral Banks and International Cooperation Agencies.

I have been truly fortunate to work for different  public and private organizations: Director of Alternative Renewable Energies Directorate for a Ministry of Energy; Independent Sustainable Energy Consultant for the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU); Expert on Sustainable Development Goal “7” at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN); Expert in Gender and Climate Technology at the UNFCCC Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN), member of the International Expert Team to review the Solution Pathways for the Transformation of Global Energy Systems in the Seventh installment of the document: “Perspective of the Global Environment (GEO-7)” from UNEP. Currently, I hold the position of Senior Fellow in Sustainable Energy and Finance for Latin America at SD Strategies, a German Energy and Sustainability consulting company.

I have a Magna Cum Laude in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance from Ave María University of the United States; a Master of Science in energy integrations within the Doctoral program of the University of Salamanca in Spain: Law, Economy and Society in the European Union; a Management in Energy Sustainability issued by the Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (CLACDS) of INCAE BUSINESS SCHOOL of Costa Rica, Certification as an Expert in Renewable Energy Technologies by the International Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Organization for New Energy and Technology Development of Japan (NEDO); Certification as an Expert in Energy Transformation by the Renewable Energy Academy (RENAC) of Germany, among other certifications.

I am looking forward to contribute to this group and establish collaborations that could impact the Latin American region. 



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