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Discussion details

Dear Members,

The community of practice Social Protection in Crisis Contexts on is expanding its outreach and creating new spaces to stimulate the exchange of knowledge on social protection in crisis-prone areas. It is part of the SPaN initiative to support the growth and exchange among members of this community and the one hosted by, therefore, we highly encourage all members to join the other group as well. We believe that by working together we can create more inclusive collaboration and dialogue, which will ultimately lead to social protection for all.

With that in mind, we created a discussion group hosted by It complements the Community’s online space hosted by, aiming at connecting us rapidly and inclusively. 

Members of the Dgroup will be able to communicate with each other quicker and via email. Kindly note that all messages sent to will be moderated and discussions will be facilitated by dedicated volunteers from our community of practice. In your preferences, you will be able to define whether you would like to receive notifications immediately, daily, weekly, or even monthly.

Join now! It will take less only 43 seconds of your time.

Wishing to see you soon in our Online Space, our Dgroup, or our weekly Hangout!


Zena Mouawad

On behalf of the Administrators of the OC Social Protection in Crisis Contexts

*For more information, please contact us!