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Discussion details

Dear group members,

You are invited to join us at the upcoming European Development Days (15 -16 June, at Tour & Taxis in Brussels) for a panel discussion we are organising on EU development corporate results, accountability and performance. The session will take place on Wednesday, June 15, 16:00 to 17:30.

The discussion, addressing  aspects of accountability, will be opened by Androulla Kaminara, Principal Advisor and Head of the Task Force Knowledge, Performance and Results at the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission, who will present highlights from the forthcoming 2015 EU development results report.


Howard White, CEO, The Campbell Collaboration

Alexandra Silfverstolpe, Founder and Managing Director, Data Act Lab

Roberto Pinauin, Program Manager, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness

Liz Steele, EU Representative, Publish What you Fund

Cornelius Hacking, Co-chair, Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and enabling Environment, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

We hope to see you there!

Please note that, because of security reasons, you need to register for the EDDs before May 22nd to secure a place! 

 You will have to first create a profile on the EDDs website and then to log in  to register to the event. In the process you will be requested to upload a photo and your ID card information.

Please follow this link to register: