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On 14 March both the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Ministry of Trade gathered in Accra to launch the Ghana Green Label farmer's manual and training. The goal was to help farmers to improve the quality & safety their fruits on the domestic and export markets.

The international fresh fruits and vegetables trade is a billion dollar business that Ghana can and should take part. Recently, international markets rejected selected Ghanaian vegetables containing unauthorized pests and pesticide residues exceeding permissible limits. TRAQUE aims to educate farmers to understand and eradicate this problem.

The Green Label Certification Scheme is an initiative of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) in collaboration with GIZ’s Market Oriented Agriculture Program, the Ghana Standards Authority and small stakeholders in the fruit & vegetable sector. TRAQUE funds this initiative and helps to educate and arise awareness among 400 horticultural farmers about the correct use of pesticides, traceability, waste management and other key areas in the production and trade of fruit and vegetables.

The trainings will continue during 3 weeks in 7 different locations in Greater and Eastern Accra region.

Further information:

Please contact us if you need pictures or further details: Tel. +233 (0)554454767


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