The launch of Sustainable Lifestyles Learning Module
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The Sustainable Lifestyles Learning Module was launched on Tuesday, 14 February 2023. It is one of the core products of the Sustainable Lifestyles Academy, a set of educational tools that aims to empower youth for sustainable lifestyles and to promote green campuses youth opportunities for green jobs with universities.
The module is available for anybody with an interest to learn more about lifestyles or use it as a guide for their work as educators on sustainability. The module can be completed in an average of 3 hours and is available for free for anyone with an internet connection.
For the last two years, GO4SDGS, UNEP’s Sustainable Lifestyles Programme, and the United Nations System Staff College have been developing alongside partners and experts an online learning module to facilitate training on Sustainable Living and encompass how to translate the science behind lifestyles into effective action to live better and lighter.
The course will explore what sustainable lifestyles are, the values and beliefs that influence our choices, and the strategies that we could apply to create positive and long-lasting change towards sustainability in our systems and our lives.
Sign up for the course here
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