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At the end of March 2015 the European Commission launched the International Cooperation and Development Results Framework which marks a significant step in improving the way the EU will be reporting on results.

The framework contains a range of indicators based on which results will be reported annually.
How is the Framework structured? Reporting will look at results on three levels. Firstly, it will measure development progress in all of our partner countries to provide an overall context. Indicators at this level include elements such as the percentage of the population with access to energy services and the prevalence of marriages among girls below the age of 18.

On a second level, we will measure the specific EU contribution to development progress in our partner countries. Here indicators would cover, for example, the number of children enrolled in primary education with EU support, and the number of human rights defenders who have received EU support.
On a third level, the European Commission will provide information on the way it has managed its performance as an organisation. This is an important way of constantly improving the EU's work; for example by looking at the quality of design of individual projects and programmes and how much the EU has been spending on climate change related projects.

Each year these results will be published in the "Annual Report on the European Union's development and external assistance policies and their implementation", with the exception of this year. For the first year a separate, complementary publication will be published in the last quarter of 2015.