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LoCAL is a global programme from the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) on climate change mainstreaming and finance at the local level.

The programme aims to increase local governments’ access to climate finance to implement climate change adaptation measures in target countries, primarily in LDCs. Its expected outputs are three-fold:
1. climate change adaptation is mainstreamed into (local) governments’ planning and budgeting systems
2. increased awareness of and response to climate change at the local level
3. increased amount of climate change adaptation finance available to local governments and economies

LoCAL operates through a performance-based grant mechanism for climate resilience, making full use of country systems rather than using a project approach.

LoCAL currently works in Asia, Africa and the Pacific, in Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Cambodia, Ghana, Lao PDR, Mali, Nepal and Niger; and will soon start operating in  Mozambique, and the Solomon Islands.

LoCAL is co-funded by the EU GCCA+, EU geographical instruments, Swedish International Cooperation Development Agency (SIDA), the Government of Lichtenstein, the Belgian Cooperation, UNDP GEF, the Government of Benin, and UNCDF.

More information is available at:

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The video features experiences from Bangladesh, Benin, Niger and Cambodia from the Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) of the UN Capital Development Fund. LoCAL provides a country-based mechanism to increase awareness and response to climate change at the local level, integrate climate change adaptation into local governments’ planning and budgeting
systems in a participatory and gender sensitive manner, and increase the amount of finance available to local governments for climate change adaptation. LoCAL combines performance-based climate resilience grants (PBCRGs) with technical and capacity-building support.


Dans la Région de Dosso au Niger, les femmes s'approprient les infrastructures d'adapation au changement climatiques

L’UNCDF à travers le mécanisme LoCAL collabore avec les institutions publiques locales et nationales du Niger depuis 2015, pour soutenir les communes de Sokorbé et Dogonkiria, dans la région de Dosso dans leurs activités d’adaptation au changement climatique.…


UNCDF signs a strategic partnership on Climate Adaptation with the Local Authorities National Investment Agency in Mali

The United Nations Capital Development Fund has entered into a new agreement in Mali on April 2019. This agreement between the Local Authorities National Investment Agency (ANICT) and UNCDF, through the Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL), is a strategic partnership in order to scale up the programme to the national level.…