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Discussion details

The Commission is organising a public consultation to gather the views and experiences of all relevant parties in the European Union and around the world on its external financing instruments: the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe (NDICI-Global Europe), the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III), the European Instrument for International Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) and the Decision on the Overseas Association, including Greenland (DOAG), all adopted in 2021.

The results of the public consultation will feed into the Commission's mid-term evaluation of the instruments, which will be submitted to the European Parliament and Council by 31 December 2024. The main topics of the consultation will cover efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and the relevance of the objectives of the instruments, as well as the added value of replacing previously separate instruments with one broad instrument in case of NDICI-Global Europe and the DOAG. The evaluation also includes the final evaluation of the 2014-2020 External Financing Instruments and of the 11th European Development Fund.

The questionnaire of the public consultation is available on the EU Survey (… ) until 23 June with a set of eight general questions and fourteen expert questions. They are available in five languages: English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish and the answers are possible in all the 24 EU official languages. A document can also be up-loaded for respondents willing to further elaborate on their replies.