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The new EU staff handbook on Operating in situations of conflict and fragility is now out!

"This is a handbook written by staff. It recounts staff experience as told in the first person and documented in evaluations. As such, it seeks to reap the benefits of the EU’s rich experience in situations of conflict and fragility.

It is also a handbook written for staff. As such, it hopes to provide staff newly deployed to such situations with a useful overview of current concepts, policies, instruments and good practices. It does not set out new policies or procedures at length; instead, it summarises them in a single document and points to where more detailed guidance and documentation can be obtained.

Last but not least, it is a living handbook. As new challenges emerge — be they related to demography, new technologies, climate change or identity politics — the business model for engaging in situations of conflict and fragility will evolve. This handbook will reflect the new developments and lessons learned."

Fernando Frutuoso de Melo, Director-General DG Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid