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Discussion details

The purpose of this national climate change finance assessment (the Nauru Case Study) is to assist the Government of Nauru (GoN) make informed decisions on measures to improve access to and management of climate change resources. It has been undertaken in response to a request from the GoN, following recent decisions made by Leaders and Economic Ministers on climate change financing.

The Nauru Case Study is based on review of readily available information on the policies, programs and approaches of Nauru and key development partners, and consultations with Government Officials, community and private sector representatives, donors and other development partners. It draws together a variety of previous studies, including policy reviews and analyses focussing on specific sector or thematic issues.

The Pacific Climate Change Financing Assessment Framework (PCCFAF) provided the overarching framework for this assessment. The cross-cutting nature of climate change requires national responses, which can bring together efforts which focus on specific sectors or issues and enable a renewed look at the effectiveness of overall development efforts. The PCCFAF assesses a country's ability to access and manage climate change resources against six interrelated dimensions: 1) Funding sources 2) Policies and plans; 3) Institutions; 4) Public financial management and expenditure; 5) Human capacity; and 6) Development effectiveness.
