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Discussion details

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the planned social media priorities for this week, 6 weeks ahead of EDD13.

Our main priority is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on Thursday, given its great relevance to the EDD13 main thread. We will post liberally throughout the day on the topic of poverty eradication and EDD13 and would be grateful for your RTs, shares and likes on this day. Please do share with us any content you are planning for this event, which you would like us to help promote.  

In addition, this week is European Week of Action for Girls (#EWAG13), which began on Friday and will run until the end of the week. This is an excellent opportunity for us to highlight both the gender and education topics at EDD13 during the week (#EDD13_gender and #EDD13_education).

Thank you for all of your promotional efforts thus far.

Monday, October 14:

Photo exhibit/gender topic at EDD13

Today is the online launch of Plan EU’s “Through her own eyes” photo exhibit. The exhibit, which will be displayed at EDD in November documents the lives of Haitian women and girls after the 2010 earthquake. We plan on posting one or more of the pictures on Facebook and Twitter while drawing highlighting the gender topic at the forum (#EDD13_gender).

Tuesday, October 15:

Global Handwashing Day/sanitation & health sessions at EDD13
Tuesday is Global Handwashing Day in which connection our posts will highlight the health and sanitation sessions at EDD13, and in particular the “Supporting fragile states through WASH” lab and the “Joining up on health” roundtable (#EDD13_Health).

Wednesday, October 16:

World Food Day/food security at EDD13
The focus on Wednesday will be on World Food Day, which has “Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition” as this year’s theme.

Our posts will highlight the auditorium sessions “Resilience-building for improved food security & nutrition,” “Food security & food justice,” and “Feed the Change” which will all be available for non-EDD participants to view via live- web-streaming. We will also be linking to the website for information on the food security topic at EDD13 (#EDD13_Food).

Thursday, October 17:

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Our posts will be focused on the observation of this day and the overall topic of poverty eradication, as described above.

Friday, October 18:

Video contest promotion

The deadline for our video contest is coming up on November 1 and we hope to get a good number of additional submissions before then. We particularly need submissions for the EU 13-17 category, so any continued help promoting the contest to your networks will be very helpful. Many of you have already been very active in this regard, and we greatly appreciate your efforts. 

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or suggestions.

Best regards,
