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Discussion details

Dear colleagues, 

Thank you for all your great posts, shares, tweets, and retweets so far to help us promote EDD13, the individual sessions and panels, as well as your video contest. We greatly appreciate your efforts.

Please find below a brief digest of our planned social media priorities for this week on the EDD13FacebookandTwitteraccounts and feel free to share information on your own EDD-related content and coordinate with the other group members on sharing and promoting it.  

MONDAY 7 October: 

World Habitat Day 2013: 

To markWorld Habitat Daywe will post a quote on this year’s theme,urban mobility, by Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme. Ms. Kacyira will attend EDD13 and participate in the auditorium panel “Poverty eradication and climate change: friends or foes?” as well as the panel on urban planning and development.  

TUESDAY 8 October:

7 weeks to go until EDD13:

On Tuesday there are exactly 7 weeks to go until the forum, which we will mark by posting our newEDD13 trailer: dissemination of this video to increase awareness of EDD13 is a high priority for us, so please share as widely as you can and remember to let us know when you do, so we can like, share, RT, etc.   


WEDNESDAY 9 October: 

Promotion of our video contest:

Our video contest,Young Voices Against Poverty, is steadily getting a host of creative submissions from 13-24 year-olds all over the world, but we need to reach more young people. Wednesday’s focus on Facebook and Twitter will therefore be on inviting submissions for young people with ideas to fight poverty. We will be grateful for any tweets, posts, and shares from you and will like and share back if you alert us.


THURSDAY 10 October: 

World Mental Health Day: Focus on health MDGs 

In connection withWorld Mental Health Day2013, Thursday’s focus will be on the health topics within the EDD13 programme and will advertise as a resource to learn more about the topics, the programme and how to follow the sessions remotely.  

FRIDAY 11 October:

International Day of the Girl Child 

Friday isInternational Day of the Girl Childand a great opportunity to promote the gender topic at EDD13 (#EDD13_Gender). Friday also kicks off the European Week of Action for Girls(11-18 October), organised by Plan EU with support from EU, UN and others.

While drawing attention to the gender topic at EDD13, we will feature a quote from Plan EU’s tool kit on our Facebook page and will participate in #genderjam on Twitter to launch Plan’s Girls’ Rights Gazette, which features articles from several of the EU Commissioners, among others. For questions about Plan EU’s campaign, please contact Louise Hagendijk

SUNDAY 13 October:

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2013: 

To markInternational Day for Disaster Reduction, we will feature a quote from EU Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva on disaster preparedness and will similarly highlight the fact that the Commissioner is a confirmed participant at EDD13. 

As always, please contact me with any questions or comments you may have

Kind regards,

Elisabeth, Social Media Officer EDD13