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Dear Community Members,

Our related community, the Social Protection in Crisis Contexts, is seeking continuous improvement and, for this reason, we have developed a questionnaire to better understand members’ profile, expertise, preferences, needs, and expectations. This questionnaire helps us understand professionals´ needs and guide our work plan. 

We would appreciate if you could answer the questionnaire by April 30th, 2021. It will take less than 10 minutes of your time, with many open-ended and mostly optional questions.

Your response will help us envision new initiatives, set priorities, and guide us as we seek new partnerships.

We will share survey results with community members as soon as they will be ready. Please make sure you´ve joined the community to receive the announcements. We also count with a dgroup that shares what is new on social protection across the humanitarian-development nexus via email. 

Thank you in advance for your time and input!

Best regards, 

Zena Mouawad

On behalf of SPaN