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Discussion details

This document was drafted in January 2007. Although its content is for most part still valid, for up-to-date information on procedures and current thinking on the topic, please refer to (among others)  the Public group on Decentralisation, the group on Capacity Development and Technical cooperation and the Political economy in practice group.

This Reference Document should serve as a practical tool to help EC staff to better understand the ‘politics’ of decentralisation and local governance processes; to support the formulation and implementation of nationally and locally owned decentralisation policies; and to improve the coherence between the sector support being provided by the European Commission (e.g. in health or education) and ongoing decentralisation processes.

It should not be seen as a cookbook with well-tested recipes to be applied universally. The field of decentralisation does not lend itself to ‘one size- fits-all’ models. In many countries promising experiences are taking place, and the EC intends to develop a comprehensive policy framework to underpin its strategic support to decentralisation and local governance processes in a hugely varying set of country contexts.

This Reference Document therefore reflects ‘work in progress’.  In order to ensure its relevance for staff in the field, the Reference Document was elaborated in a highly participatory manner. Efforts were made to start the process from realities on the ground; the day-to-day concerns of staff in charge of managing programmes; as well as the emerging good practices. These ‘frontline actors’ were involved through a series of electronic Discussion-Group (‘D-Group’) consultations which fundamentally shaped the focus and content of the Paper. A brainstorming seminar was organised in Brussels with staff from eighteen EC Delegations from the various regions which helped to further refine and define future ‘homework’ for the EC in the area of decentralisation.

It is available in French, English and Spanish