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Discussion details

Created 07 December 2016

RI-LINKS2UA is a three year project (2016-2019) funded under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The overall aim of the project is to further support and enhance the integration of Ukraine to the European Research Area.

The following three core objectives are achieved by a consortium of 12 renewed organisations with professional STI policy and policy analysis background from EU MS /AC (including Ukraine of course):

  • to further support and stimulate the policy dialogue on R&I between EU and Ukraine and therefore to enable the better integration of Ukraine into ERA, by identifying remaining obstacles, drivers and opportunities through analytical evidence and R&I policy advice;
  • to contribute to the improvement of supportive framework conditions in the field of R&I through a targeted portfolio of activities in order to systematically enhance and stimulate the EU-Ukraine STI cooperation;
  • to further encourage and facilitate cooperation between research actors from the EU and Ukraine through a set ofsupportive R&I measures and by promoting EU-Ukrainian participation in joint projects in Horizon 2020 and other EU funded programmes.

In particular RI-LINKS2UA:

  • contributes to the improvement of the framework conditions for EU-Ukraine STI cooperation
  • provides an operational tailor-made support to policy dialogue
  • strengthens innovation capacity and economic competitiveness
  • stimulates and promote the R&I cooperation between EU and Ukraine
  • contributes to the governance of Ukrainian participation in the Horizon 2020 and assure practical follow up and long-term impacts by applying diligent dissemination and valorisation precautions.
  • RI-LINKS2UA is supported by ministries responsible for research from 7 EU MS as well as by core members of the project’s consortium from Ukraine, namely the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences.

The proposed activities build up on the results of previous EU funded support projects with Ukraine, such as BILAT-UKR*AINA and BILAT-UKR.

Project Coordination

Gorazd Weiss
Senior R&I Research Policy Expert
Centre for Social Innovation
Linke Wienzeile 246
Vienna, Austria
+43 1 4950 442 39


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