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As the second #InformalTalks webinar on “How to tackle the Informal Economy? Key policies and approaches”

is approaching, the RNSF team introduces Mr. Alessandro Batazzi, who will be one of the panelists of the webinar on Thursday 26th of July at 11am (CET).

Alessandro Batazzi is an expert in the field of employment, decent work and informal economy. He has collaborated with the ILO in the past, and is now working for the European Commission at DG DEVCO as a Policy Officer responsible for Employment, Decent Work and International Labour Standards.

Under his responsibilities, he provides thematic support to colleagues seeking to address the challenges and opportunities related to the informal economy. Specifically, he works with colleagues seeking to promote employment, both for specific target groups (e.g. youth, women) and in specific contexts (e.g. high informality, fragile contexts), while always promoting labour standards that ensure decent employment conditions.

Alessandro Batazzi will contribute to the webinar with a 15 minutes presentation on EU approach and position towards the informal economy. He will also present his latest activities and looks forward to discussing with the webinar participants about the policies and approaches to tackle the informal economy.

To register, click on the following link:

RNSF #InformalTalks Webinar 2 on July 26 at 11am: How to tackle the Informal Economy? Key policies and approaches