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Discussion details

We had briefly exhanges in may on the use of social media in EDDs an I had suggested the idea of separate twitter feeds for labs, to be ble to capture some of the discussion as these will not be filmed or reported systemeticaly  

Here is a proposed Hastag structure

#EDD13 : general hashtag

#EDD13-Gender: High Level Panel on Gender (1 per topic)

#EDD13-Lab11: EDD Lab 11 (1 per lab)

These hashtags are to be added everywhere …

In the programme, online, in billboards etc

Twitter streams are to be displayed in large screens in rest areas / café and outside the rooms (to attract participants in the room)

The streams are to be capitalised after EDDs through or

It might be interesting to create a with all of these


These can then be posted on eudevdays site and within the relevant groups on capacity4dev

Use of QR Codes:

We could help people get to the right place online using QR codes (scanable with mobile devices)

Possible use: 1 QR Code per theme, HLP, Lab etc on the programme bill boards, leaflets  pointing to the right eudevdays page and capacity4dev group where more info/ discussion is provided about the specific theme

I have attended a conference where QR code was used for Partcipant badges where other users could scan your code in which lies data about you (typically what you would put on a business card)


Just some thoughts