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Discussion details

Dear all, 

The Online Community Social Protection in Crisis Contexts is organising informal thematic hangouts to discuss key topics which practitioners would be interested in exchanging views, knowledge materials and lessons. 

The next Hangout will take place this Wednesday 4 May at 1 pm UTC (9 am New York, 2 pm London, 3 pm Brussels).

Here’s the link to join:

The theme this week will be Targeting: jointly unpicking the debate across social protection and humanitarian perspectives, but we can of course bring up other things we are thinking about or working on.

Valentina Barca will facilitate this discussion. Also part of this SPaN group, Valentina was Team Leader on the FCDO/GIZ/DFAT-funded Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 team (SPACE) team over the last two years. She is a social protection expert/practitioner with a focus on how design and implementation aspects can facilitate the responsiveness, inclusiveness and effectiveness of social protection systems. She is currently co-authoring a paper commissioned by INTPA on lessons from COVID-19 responses with guidance on how to design medium- to long-term interventions. 

For those not yet part of the Online Community for Social Protection in Crisis Contexts, you are invited to become a member and to join its Discussion Group.  The Hangout is held every two weeks. It is an informal space for practitioners working in social protection in crisis contexts to connect, network and discuss. We do talk about a specific theme but can also bring up other topics. The format of the meeting is: no agency hats and Chatham House rules. Please use this link to download the invite into your calendars.

Kind regards,

The administrators of the Online Community for Social Protection in Crisis Contexts