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Discussion details

On Tuesday 16 May, the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) welcomed back Stefano Manservisi as its new Director-General. He spoke to Stina Soewarta, DEVCO’s Head of Communication and Transparency about his visions for DEVCO and the challenges that the DG is currently facing.

You can see the full video interview below:



List of questions:

  1. Is it fair to say that you are coming back to development after some years away, or would you rather say that throughout your career you have been working on development policy in some form or another? [Start – 01:32]
  2. What is your vision for DG DEVCO? With all the challenges that are currently emerging around the globe; how can DEVCO contribute to overcoming these? [01:33 – 04:34]
  3. In your opinion what will be the challenges for DEVCO colleagues (both in headquarters and in delegations) in achieving this? How do we continue to work in a changing world, and also work well with others? [04:35 – 06:18]
  4. This interlinkage that you’re speaking about, does it also then apply for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? [06:19 – 09:40]
  5. [In French] When you speak about these topics, we can clearly see your passion. Do you have an anecdote, or story that you could share with us that demonstrates this? [09:40 – 11:35]
  6. [In French] Last year was the European Year for Development. At the end of this year we saw an increase in European citizens’ support for development. What do you think we can do to keep citizens engaged in this topic? [11:36 – 16:10]
  7. Eleven years ago you instigated the first European Development Days. This year marks the tenth edition with the biggest programme, the most Commissioner’s involved, and several partner countries representing all continents. Can you briefly explain why people should attend the development days? [16:11 – end]