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Discussion details

TRANSrisk aims to explore pathways for low-emission development, and, eventually, for reaching the goal of the Paris Agreement (limitation of temperature to 2oC, or if possible 1.5oC). While such pathways contribute to greenhouse gas emission reduction, they may have impacts on different aspects of society, some of which may be positive and others negative. Understanding these impacts will enable policy makers to take appropriate actions so that a pathway will also become acceptable from a societal perspective.

In order to understand the impacts of low-emission pathways for society and how this may have an influence on public acceptance of the pathways, TRANSrisk uses modelled analysis in combination with stakeholder consultation. This is done at the level of individual countries - models generate possible low-emission futures with their costs, benefits, uncertainties and consequent risks, which are subsequently assessed by stakeholder groups in each country, in terms of what they prefer and find acceptable.

This approach - stakeholder consultation in combination with modelled analysis - is also carried out from an international perspective, for which we have set up this survey. It contains two steps:

  • Step 1: General stakeholder consultation: information is collected on how a wide group of stakeholders (incl. policy makers, private sector decision makers, researchers, policy advisers, and NGO representatives) perceive and assess climate change and possible measures (such as technology options) to reduce emissions.
  • Step 2: Specific stakeholder consultation based on a set of low-emission pathways, which are based on model simulations.

The focus of the survey is on mitigation measures in the energy sector at a global level.

As a stakeholder, you are cordially invited to participate in this survey in your personal capacity. Your views will be treated anonymously and will not be used for any other purpose than for this study. The whole survey will take approximately 20 minutes of your time.

Your feedback is extremely valuable, therefore we would like to thank you for participating in our survey.

In order to participate at the survey click here.