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6 October 2021. To celebrate World Cotton Day, ITC and the World Trade Organization - WTO hosted a high-level webinar with authorities, experts, fashion and environmental activists to discuss "how to develop a sustainable cotton to clothing value chain in Africa".


The event focused on further developing cotton and textile value chains in Africa and on ways to develop a green regional cotton to clothing supply chain to stimulate regional and intercontinental trade.


Discussions on the development aspects of cotton take place twice a year in a forum known as the “Director General’s Consultative Framework Mechanism on Cotton”. The main purpose of these discussions is to track developments and exchange information on development assistance provided to

developing countries. This is recorded through the so-called “Evolving Table on Cotton”. Members are briefed in these meetings on the latest developments in the negotiations and the latest market conditions. The 2013 Bali Ministerial Conference and the 2015 Nairobi Decision on Cotton underscored the importance that Members attach to the development assistance aspects of cotton.


Annual celebrations for World Cotton Day provide a unique opportunity to recognize the historic importance of cotton as a global commodity grown in over 75 countries across five continents and to highlight its central role in job creation and maintaining economic stability, particularly in several LDCs. According to the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), the annual revenue from cotton is estimated at USD 41.2 billion, while cotton trade amounts to USD 18 billion every year.

15:00 - 15:10 – OPENING CEREMONY

  • Mr. Jean-Marie Paugam, Deputy Director-General, WTO
  • Ms. Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director, ITC
  • H.E. Mr. Harouna Kabore, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts of Burkina Faso


  • Moderator: Ms. Marième Fall, Officer in Charge of the WTO Agriculture and Commodities Division
  • Mr. Navdeep Singh Sodhi, Partner of Gherzi Textil Organization Zurich - “African cotton & textile value chains — a contemporary focus and emerging trends”
  • Mr. Jinjiang Yan, United Nations Industrial Development Organization — UNIDO
  • Mr. Mike McCue, International Cotton Advisory Committee — ICAC
  • Ms. Mary Concilia Anchang, International Forum for Transformation of African Cotton, Textiles & Accessories — FICOTA, Cameroon
  • Mrs. Lisa Barratt, Better Cotton Initiative — BCI
  • Mr. Francisco Ferreira dos Santos, Ginner’s Association, Mozambique

The panel will explore the possibilities emerging under the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and how to support and reinforce efforts to increase African regional trade along the cotton to clothing value chain. The panel will also discuss the possibilities that a regional supply chain offers to expand T&C exports to the world, while adding value to African cotton. The panel will thus look at:

  • Investing in African cotton means investing in sustainability: The business case for African cotton and cotton products that have lower environmental footprints than cotton from other regions
  • Connecting the existing cotton production with textile facilities on the continent
  • How to build on African creativity and a thriving artisanal sector
  • Market potential for green African ready-made products on the continent
  • Emerging market potential for green products made entirely in Africa

Potential and practical ways to develop a green regional cotton to clothing supply chain to stimulate regional and intercontinental trade.

  • Opening remarks: Mr. Matthias Knappe, Programme Manager, Fibres, Textiles and Clothing
  • Mr. Kanwar Usman, Head of Textile Innovation - ICAC
  • Mrs.Tanya Aucamp, founder - Social Weaver Communications (PTY), South Africa
  • Mrs. Inna Modja, African Designer and Women’s Rights & Climate Activist
  • Mr. Jasminder Bedhi, Former President - International Textile Manufacturers Association
  • Mrs. Natasja Ambrosio, Sustainability Executive - Mr Price Group Limited (South African retailer)
  • Mrs. Julia Hughes, President - US Fashion Industry Association

HIGHLIGHT: CLEAR Cotton: Eliminating child labour and forced labour in the cotton, textile and garment value chains: an integrated approach - co-funded by the EC

The CLEAR Cotton project supports the elimination of child labour and forced labour in the cotton, textile and garment value chains in target producing countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Pakistan, and Peru). It is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), and it is implemented by the ILO in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Duration: March 2018 - February 2022 (4 years)
Budget: EUR 9,000,000 (European Union € 7.5 million, ILO € 1.5 million)
Partners: Governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, private sector, cooperatives, civil society organizations, media
Countries covered: Burkina Faso, Mali, Pakistan and Peru

  • Children and their families working at any level of the cotton, garment and textile production chains
  • Victims of forced labour and workers at risk of forced labour
  • Key ministries and other governmental agencies
  • Employers’ and workers’ organizations
  • Enterprises
  • Media