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Discussion details

Created 10 July 2020

Eleven Member States (DE, BE, DK, ES, FI, FR, IT, LUX, NL, SE, CZ) and like-minded partners Switzerland and Norway have signed the European Joint Programming document for 2020-2024 for Mali. Led by the EU Delegation, Member States have recognised the value of working better together to strengthen a more coherent and more strategic cooperation between the EU, its Member States and other European partners, to increase the impact and leverage in policy dialogue and to participate in wider objectives such as reducing of aid fragmentation and the transaction costs, and increasing the transparency. 

The document, which focuses on development, governance and stabilisation of Mali, has three main objectives: better functioning of the state, sustainable economic growth, and development of human capital. Overall, the aim of this joint programming is to contribute to the restoration of the Malian social contract, which has been weakened after several years of crisis, and to meet the basic needs of the population.