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Value Chain Analysis for Development project is an EU funded project implemented by Agrinatura that started in 2016. Agrinatura is an alliance of European Universities and Research centres involved in agricultural research for development with more than 35 members. Mobilized at the request of the EU Delegations in partner countries or the European Commission Headquarter, the VCA4D project performs value chains analyses to provide evidence-based knowledge about the growth, inclusiveness and sustainability of the VCs that the EUD and the partner country’s actors can use in the framework of their cooperation.

These analyses are performed using the “VCA4D Methodological Brief - Frame and Tools" elaborated by DG INTPA/ Unit F3 - which includes an evidence-based, largely quantitative, analysis toolkit. 

This consists of a robust diagnosis structured along four framing questions: 1) what is the contribution of the VC to economic growth? 2) Is this economic growth inclusive? 3) Is the VC socially sustainable? 4) Is the VC environmentally sustainable?

The results of the VCA4 studies will allow to measure and analyse the inclusiveness and sustainability of the chains from different perspectives, identifying the most relevant issues requiring policy action, as well as the major risks, bottlenecks and opportunities in the VC development, and the aspects that shall be analysed more in depth.

Currently in its phase II, VCA4D has or is intervening in 30 partner countries with 40 studies concluded, ongoing or in the pipeline, on very different value chains: tuber and cereals, fruits and vegetables, fisheries, livestock, cotton, cocoa, coffee, etc. 

VCAs are performed by a team which is made up of an agro-economist, a social expert and an environmental expert (coming from Agrinatura centres and/or as independents), supported by a national expert with deep knowledge of the sector targeted by the analysis.

For more information on the project and the studies already performed you can check the VCA4D page

25/10 + 26/10 Webinars "Reflecting on value chain development in the context of the new programming phase: lessons learned from the VCA4D project and opportunities for EU Delegations"

  • The VCA4D project: Partnership between the EC and Agrinatura to implement VCAs and other activities VCA4D PMU
  • The VCA4D methodology: an overview of the analytical framework to provide evidence-based knowledge on agri-food value chains VCA4D PMU
  • How to request and get involved in the process of a VCA study VCA4D PMU
  • “Operationalising” the VCAs findings: feedback from the EUDs EU Delegations to Angola, Togo and Georgia