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In 2011, the EC and UNAIDS launched a capacity development project to improve the quality and effectiveness of technical support for AIDS responses in six sub-Saharan countries: Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria and Swaziland.

The six countries have received grants from the EC to develop and implement technical support plans, addressing issues such as governance systems, leadership development, human resources and financial management capacities.

Some of the key challenges for the project involve limitations in programme implementation, poor governance systems, lack of leadership and human resources and uneven financial and management capacities

Earlier this year, Dr Fode Simaga, Senior Programme Advisor with UNAIDS, and Dr Zekeng Leopold, the Deputy Director of the UNAIDS Regional Support Team for West and Central Africa, spoke at the EuropeAid Infopoint in Brussels.

Providing intersting interviews for, they explained the project and shared their opinions on what is being done, what has worked and what remains to be addressed:

Dr Fode Simaga

Dr Zekeng Leopold