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Addressing members of the Forum, during the session on Post-2015, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, said that "for the EU to play an active role in the global debate on development post-2015, we need partners like you, as truly representative organisations, to continue providing us with your inputs, as you have done through the public consultation and, more broadly speaking, through the Structured Dialogue and this successor forum."
Commissioner Piebalgs further explained that the post-2015 agenda should lie on three pillars: decent living standards for all, human rights and good stewardship of natural resources.

Sitting on the forum’s panel, EU Member of Parliament Eva Joly stressed that the need to involve  civil society applies both to EU member countries and to partner countries. The aim is “to broaden up the scope of people that can be involved in the decision-making process”, she said.
 “There is a need to make sure that the European Commission talks to the right people, such as local authorities, members of the opposition and civil society”, she concluded.